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Some awesome Tressel t-shirts found

joins yesterday, puts up a couple of posts and then starts linking to ebay tshirt auctions.

i sniff spam here.

here is the shirt if you don't want to click


who the hell wants to express the rivalry in a safe way other than a foreigner non fan anyway?

Prove your buckeye chops.

name 2 white dudes who played DB since 1995 for OSU.
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BIATCHabutuka;2336877; said:
joins yesterday, puts up a couple of posts and then starts linking to ebay tshirt auctions.

i sniff spam here.

here is the shirt if you don't want to click


who the hell wants to express the rivalry in a safe way other than a foreigner non fan anyway?

Prove your buckeye chops.

name 2 white dudes who played DB since 1995 for OSU.

Why do I care about Minnesota and who is this Jim guy?:wink2:
Upvote 0
so who are the three white DB's?

no post limit here at all, but spam, even appearance of spam, will get smacked around.

redeem your buckeyehood with some DB names and this can be something we all just laugh at while non safely expressing our feelings of absolute hatred towards Michigan.
Upvote 0
It's really not that hard. There aren't that many white DBs.

It is hard if you aren't a buckeye fan and are impersonating one very poorly..
BuckeyeBlutzer;2336800; said:
Im thinking of buying one. What do you guys think?
Amazing find! I'm sure you just happened across it.
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