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SimPLLLLLLLe Jim "6-13" Harbaugh (B1G Suspenders McKhakiPants, Cheater Cheater Booger Eater)

I didn't realize it was Asperger boy until just a minute ago. Not sure what I was thinking but just assumed it was some blogger.

The fucking head coach doing it for the cameras? JFC

Yeah man. The fucking Head Coach. While I'm not surprised given who he is, I just this is a terrible way to go about intensifying the rivalry or whatever goals he had for this.
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When it becomes a tradition to visit the graves of past coaches... you know it's been awhile.
Hilarious seeing all the scUM followers oohing and ahhhing over that abomination of a cake... the cake & no-show office party already reeks of desperation, and the mindless praise of it shows how little scruples they have.
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View attachment 12092

Apparently he this ass clown was walking through a grave yard tonight and stopped to smash a Buckeye on Bo's grave...

Fuck him.

Probably an over-the-top association, but this reminds me of Himmler's rituals: funeral urn-encircled chamber at Wewelsburg & moving the bones of King Heinrich to create a shrine. That old boy had kind of an obsession with graves of fallen leaders, too. (Also rumored to be bat-merde crazy. Maybe not a coincidence.)
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This is not something JH just did. There has been a guy (Jeffrey Holzhausen) that started doing this in 1992. Then in 97 a group started going. They use to just go visit Yost and Ufer's grave site , and added Bo in 2007.

I notice you conveniently didn't address the smashing of the buckeye. Has that been a longstanding tradition of Jeffrey Holzhausen (whoever the hell that is), or is that an idea Harbaugh picked up from Bobby "the Brain" Heenan?
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I notice you conveniently didn't address the smashing of the buckeye. Has that been a longstanding tradition of Jeffrey Holzhausen (whoever the hell that is), or is that an idea Harbaugh picked up from Bobby "the Brain" Heenan?

I didn't know Bobby Heenan smashed buckeyes, that's pretty cool factoid though. But yes they smash buckeyes up there every year with a maize and blue hammer. Pretty funny after JH smashed it, he stood up and tried to spin the hammer in the air and catch it and dropped it lol.
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This is something to ridicule because of how fucking stupid it is, not because it riles anybody up. It's like Hoke's calling us Ohio. We were laughing, not stomping mad.



It's scUM's Rail

Like the Pedsters, scUM nation is following Asperger boy into a world of being awkwardly tone deaf to societal behavioral norms.

Here is the number one tip I could give each group; when people are just standing there staring with their mouth agape, absolutely unable to speak you have neither enlightened them as to Joe Paterno's innocence nor have they finally conceded that you truly are superior to them in every aspect of life. No, these silent witnesses to your psychosis are struggling with racing thoughts ranging from a "I just saw an alien kill a yetti that was screwing a yak in my front yard" type of bewilderment, being mortally embarrassed for you and trying to remember what that show on the history channel said about how to get away from a psycho before they go postal.

That is why we don't say anything you fucking jizz bot's. We don't want to accidentally touch Coach Warrens ears while he's looking for his baseball any more than we want to have some purple faced rage monster with a "409" tattoo beret us with Fax and Evidents.
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This is not something JH just did. There has been a guy (Jeffrey Holzhausen) that started doing this in 1992. Then in 97 a group started going. They use to just go visit Yost and Ufer's grave site , and added Bo in 2007.

I didn't know Bobby Heenan smashed buckeyes, that's pretty cool factoid though. But yes they smash buckeyes up there every year with a maize and blue hammer. Pretty funny after JH smashed it, he stood up and tried to spin the hammer in the air and catch it and dropped it lol.

You're not helping by giving further explanation. You're making it worse.
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