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When your in the area where you make or put your sig. You will see this
button at the top. Press that and enter the web address of the pic you wanna use.
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Depends on if you have your own hosting, or if you are going to use some free hosting service, etc.......if that is the case, you can do like TG said, and use the image icon, link to it.

Not sure why you would have much trouble. Seeing how you already have a pic in your sig right now. Unless ofcourse, you've forgot how to do it.

It could be that he just figured it out :biggrin:
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The pic he has right now, wasn't.

But the one before was. It was the one that shows your IP, your provider, what system you are running and what internet explorer you have.
and that's a generic internet pic hosted already... therefore much easier to use for a newbie who doesn't understand how to host his own picture from his hard drive.
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