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SG Mark "The Shark" Titus (Official Thread)

OHSportsFan9;1372465; said:
Add me as another regular to his blog.

Just picked up on it after a couple of people here gave it raving reviews.

Simply brilliant. One of the funniest people I've never met. :p

Best laugh(s) I have had since reading some of Jaxbuck's post on the Reds Tidbits thread here on BP. Mark has a future!! It will be on my list of FAVS.
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My life was incomplete before going back and reading these gems, from Scarlet and Gray Scrimmage
Mark Titus (#34)--At this point you are probably saying to yourself, "Mark, please tell me you upheld the Club Trillion way of life. Surely you didn't participate in the scrimmage did you? And if you did, don't tell me you did anything productive. My heart simply cannot take it." Have no fear ladies and gents, because yours truly held it down. I spent a majority of the scrimmage talking to two 8 year old kids who told me their names were "Drake and Josh." I called shenanigans on this. The kid who said his name was Josh then decided to claim that his name was "Gake" and I again called shenanigans. I was finally informed his name was "Jake" and since I rarely call shenanigans more than twice a day, I decided to let it slide. So Drake and Jake explained to me that the funniest thing ever would be to put a Sweet Tart in my water bottle. I told them the funniest thing ever could probably be found on YouTube. Jake then told me that he has a locker room pass and I told him I wasn't impressed in the slightest because I have a locker room pass too. And since I didn't see Jake in the locker room after the scrimmage, I assume that this kid is on the fast track to a life of breaking girls' hearts and eventually being arrested for fraud and embezzlement. Anyway, Drake and Jake were some pretty cool dudes who provided me with some quality entertainment, because let's be honest, seeing some of the best amateur athletes in the world can get pretty boring.
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Love in the Elevator may have been the best one yet. Brilliant.

Also, the Minnesota student section (not sure what they call themselves) heckled me the entire game and even started a "We Want Titus" chant towards the end of the game. A big thanks goes out to Minnesota's team for reading, but definitely not for beating us senseless in the game. And a thank you goes out to the student section for supplying the first "We Want Titus" chant ever on the road. Good work.

Fine job by the Gopher students. :bow:
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Bucky Katt;1374954; said:
Love in the Elevator may have been the best one yet. Brilliant.

Fine job by the Gopher students. :bow:

I was in the upper deck just above the student section. Too bad I could not understand what they were saying... or else I might have started to chant with them.
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A Buckeye is honest (sort of) about Erin Andrews

By Kyle Nagel | Wednesday, January 21, 2009, 01:40 PM

Even if you?ve seen him flashing by on a television screen, you might not have noticed this man. It?s time, however, to give him his due.
Mark Titus is a member, technically, of the Ohio State basketball team. He?s listed as a junior guard, a 6-foot-4, 210-pound shooter from Brownsburg, Ind.
That, anyway, is his athletic resume.
He?s also an entertaining blogger. His effort is titled Club Trillion, which adds the tagline ?Life views from the end of the bench.? His 800- to 1,000-word posts deal with many aspects of sports and life in general.
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Here's a chat Mark had on the Ohio State Site;

Nicole:Berkeley, CA:
Now that you've dumped Erin Andrews, who is your next imaginary celebrity girlfriend?

I'm thinking Taylor Swift might be my next imaginary girlfriend. My 17 year-old sister got me listening to her music against my will and I admittedly liked what I heard. Plus, she's pretty easy on the eyes.
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Reporting from the Jockosphere
Club Trillion gives bench warmers a voice.
by Ryan Corazza

Coach Thad Motta's response to Club Trillion? "I don't even know what that is and nor do I care."

Mark Titus is averaging one minute, 0.5 rebounds and 0.5 steals this season for the Ohio State Buckeyes. He spends most of the game parked near the end of the Ohio State bench, watching rather than playing.

"It's not necessarily a bad situation, but it's kind of bland," Titus says. "You're just a scrub that gets abused at practice."

So what did Titus do to make a name for himself? He started a blog.

"I started the blog as a perspective no one really hears about," Titus says. "I feel like the media always covers the superstar guys and you hear their stories all the time. You never really hear the stories of the guys at the end of the bench."

Titus founded Club Trillion along with fellow Ohio State benchwarmers Kyle Madsen and Danny Peters, but he is the driving force behind the majority of the content.

Unlike your typical vanilla athlete blog, Titus writes long, witty and funny entries on just about everything. In one entry, he's riffing on how he couldn't pay attention to the game, because Erin Andrews was distracting him. In another, he's writing about stealing teammate Evan Turner's Facebook status, while using a Bob Dylan song for his headline. And, of course, no blog can be complete without explaining a game of eye tag with the Michigan State dance team:

"So I lock eyes with this particular hunnie and I try to set the tone with my initial stare down," he writes. "I mean, I'm staring at her so hard I start to piece together stories of her life. I can tell she's a little bit of a daddy's girl and will never forget her first boyfriend for not remembering her birthday that one year. Yes, it is possible to tell all these things from staring at someone. I'm just that good."

So, is this everything Titus wanted out of the blog? It's only been alive and kicking since October, but it has received nearly half a million visits and has been featured local TV. (Be sure to check out the ringing endorsement from his coach.) Bill Simmons even had him on his podcast.

"It's kind of weird," Titus says. "I'm 21; I've spent 18 years of my life playing basketball and putting in the work to get good at basketball. I've been blogging for (a few months) and I'm more known for my blogging than my basketball skills. It's kind of backwards, but it's something I embrace. It's an opportunity, and I just took it and ran with it."

Club Trillion is the name Titus, Madsen and Peters gave themselves back in '07 because, when they'd get in a game with a minute to go and they accumulated no stats, the box score reads "1" with a whole bunch of zeros after it.

If things keep up this way for Titus, that number might be more akin to his blog traffic than his box score.

Jockosphere: Club Trillion gives bench warmers a voice - ESPN The Magazine
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I was hoping they would show the post-game handshakes longer so I could see Titus work his magic, but ESPN changed games too quickly.


I?ve noticed in my two and a half years of college basketball that nothing demonstrates the caste system on a basketball team quite like the post game handshakes with the opposition. In case you don?t quite follow, consider this. The only people that are allowed to do anything other than slap hands with the opposing players are the star players for each team. The star players always go through and do that handshake that looks like they are about to thumb-wrestle, followed by the leaning into each other to touch shoulders and then wrapping their arm that isn?t involved in the handshake around one another. If you still don?t know what I?m talking about, watch the post-game handshakes after any college basketball game and prepare to be blown away.

People like me who didn?t play or had very little to do with the game are nothing more than a stepping stone to that big embrace with Evan Turner at the end of the line. I plan on changing that. Starting tonight with our game against Purdue, I plan on going through the line and making it awkward times ten for everyone I shake hands with. I am going to do the regular handshake, but hold it for a moment too long while I do that one arm wrap around thing that the superstars always do. I will keep track of how many people give me the one arm embrace in return. If the player I am shaking hands with thinks ?Who does this guy think he is?? then I have successfully done my job. Hopefully I can average at least one a game, but I honestly have no idea what to expect. I?m just anxious for the inordinate amount of respect I will undoubtedly get.
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