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SG Daequan Cook (Ironi Hai Motors Nes-Ziona - Israel)

Posted on Saturday, 01.17.09
Miami Heat's Cook playing through pain
[email protected]


Heat reserves such as guard Daequan Cook, right, have made the bench a valuable asset this season. VICTOR BALDIZON / NBAE-GETTY IMAGES

HOUSTON -- Daequan Cook's approach to coping with pain from his bruised left knee has been simple: Ignore it on game nights, and focus on treatment at other times.

That process for Cook continued Saturday, when the second-year guard played against the Rockets after sitting out Friday's practice as a precaution.

Cook was injured when he banged knees with Spurs forward Kurt Thomas on Jan. 5 in a Heat loss. Cook missed the following game in Denver, but he has been in the lineup in the past five games.

''I feel a lot better than I did [Friday],'' Cook said Saturday. ``I block it out as much as I can in games. When I really start to feel it, I let coach [Erik Spoelstra] know.''

An MRI did not reveal any structural damage. But Spoelstra said Cook, the team's top three-point shooter, has pushed through discomfort.

Miami Heat's Cook playing through pain - Miami Heat - MiamiHerald.com
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Posted on Tuesday, 02.03.09
Miami Heat's Daequan Cook sidelined with thigh injury
[email protected]


The Miami Heat's Daequan Cook attempts to score against the Dallas Mavericks' Erick Dampier during the second quarter of their game on Saturday, Jan. 31, 2009 at AmericanAirlines Arena in Miami.

Heat guard Daequan Cook might be out the rest of the week with a bruised left thigh he sustained in Saturday's loss to Dallas.

Cook will not travel with the team Tuesday when it departs for Detroit, but coach Erik Spoelstra did not rule out Cook rejoining the team before Saturday's game in Philadelphia. But even that is iffy.

''Possibly; we'll see,'' Spoelstra said.

Team trainer Jay Sabol advised Cook not to travel to Wednesday's game against the Pistons to keep down the swelling. Cook said he probably would receive treatment the next few days. As of Monday, he was unable to do shooting drills.

Cook said he was sore, and his injury could require a few days' rest.

''He did make progress in the last 24 hours,'' Spoelstra said Monday before the Heat played the Los Angeles Clippers.

As for the possibility that Cook would meet the team in Philadelphia?

''He's young -- maybe he'll bounce back quick,'' Spoelstra said.

Cook was injured when he collided with the Mavericks' Erik Dampier on a screen play.

Miami Heat's Daequan Cook sidelined with thigh injury - Sports - MiamiHerald.com
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Posted on Sunday, 02.08.09
Daequan Cook returns to Miami Heat lineup
[email protected]


Miami Heat guard Daequan Cook shoots a three-pointer over Charlotte Bobcats' defender DeSagana Diop in the third quarter during an NBA game on Sunday, Feb. 8, 2009 at AmericanAirlines Arena.

Heat coach Erik Spoelstra had a pretty good idea Daequan Cook was ready to return from a thigh bruise when he found the second-year guard working out Sunday.

Cook, who has been invited to participate in Saturday's three-point shootout at All-Star weekend, was working on his technique during the Heat's walk-through session at AmericanAirlines Arena.

''I see him running around, shooting threes,'' Spoelstra said before Sunday's game. 'I called everybody over, and then [Cook] starts limping. I went up to him and said: `What are you doing? I just saw you preparing for the three-point contest. Are you ready to [play], or are you not?' It looked like he was ready to go.''

Cook was ready. He returned Sunday after missing three games with a bruised left thigh. Cook entered the game with 2:13 left in the first quarter and finished with

16 points in 18 minutes.

Daequan Cook returns to Miami Heat lineup - Miami Heat - MiamiHerald.com
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Daequan Cook emerging as a leader on defense, long-range shooting
Palm Beach Post Staff Writer
Monday, February 09, 2009

MIAMI ? Heat coach Erik Spoelstra noticed the change in Daequan Cook during training camp. Cook, a second-year guard from Ohio State known mostly for his shooting and youthful exuberance, was leading the practice drills right alongside All-Star Dwyane Wade.

And this was on defense, an area in which Cook struggled as a rookie.

"He knew what we were doing. He knew the rules. He knew the concepts," Spoelstra said, "and now I consider him one of our most knowledgeable players in terms of our system."

It was that maturity that opened the door for Cook, 21, to compete in Saturday's three-point shooting contest at All-Star weekend in Phoenix.

His growth, especially on defense, led to playing time, which led to Cook, a reserve, making 109 three-pointers so far this season. His total is tied for sixth in the NBA.

Daequan Cook emerging as a leader on defense, long-range shooting

Miami Heat's Daequan Cook on the mend
[email protected]

If Daequan Cook's leg continues to bother him, it was difficult to tell in his return to the Heat's lineup after a three-game injury absence.

Cook received more treatment on his left leg Monday, a day after he scored 16 points and was 4 of 7 from three-point range in Miami's 96-92 victory against Charlotte. Cook, who still had a bruised left knee and a bruised left thigh, was sore from Sunday's game but is expected to play Tuesday against Denver.

The Heat did not practice Monday, but Cook was among six players to attend an optional workout. He said his leg was ``85 percent.''

Another motivating factor to stay on the court is that Cook is scheduled to participate in Saturday's Three-Point Shootout during All-Star Weekend in Phoenix.

''I'm just trying to keep it loose by icing it and rehabbing,'' Cook said. ``I want to be able to do everything

I was before I was hurt.''

Cook also is taking extra precaution to protect the leg. He wears pads on his knee and thigh that are twice as thick as normal ones. ''It's a lot more weight,'' he said. ``I've got like 10 more pounds on me now.''

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Heat's Daequan Cook comfortable changing shot for tonight's 3-point contest
By Michael Cunningham | South Florida Sun-Sentinel
February 14, 2009
Miami - Daequan Cook says he isn't worried about playing a set shooter's game as a jump shooter.

The Heat guard typically elevates high on his jump shot, but Cook plans to revert to old form for tonight's 3-point contest in Phoenix.

"Before I became a high-jump shooter, from sixth grade through senior year I was a set shooter," Cook said this week. "It's something that sticks with me. In practice I go back to it. It's not a hard turnaround for me."

Cook, 21, likely will have to adjust to win the event. Players have a minute per round to shoot 25 balls arranged in five stations around the arc, so jump shooters are pressed for time.

Heat's Daequan Cook comfortable changing shot for tonight's 3-point contest -- South Florida Sun-Sentinel.com

Cook gets ready

Daequan Cook, the former Ohio State player in his second year with the Miami Heat, will try to unseat two-time champion Jason Kapono tonight in the Foot Locker Three-Point Shootout.

Asked what he'd been doing to prepare, Cook said, ''Being focused, eating my Skittles.''

The Dayton native is shooting .411 (33rd in the league) from behind the arc this season and .371 for his career. He said this opportunity is ''very special, me being a young player. Being known as one of the best 3-point shooters in this game is a great honor. A lot of people respect me.''

It also makes him hungrier to play in the big game.

''That's something I'm looking forward to. The time will come for me,'' he said. ''I'll work on expanding my game, doing the little things that can get me here and just work hard. I've made a big progression, how fast my maturity level has grown.''

Ohio.com - Cavs' Brown says he's just going to wing it
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