all right senior citizen buckeye, I already gotta subsidize your existence as the most worthless generation this planet has ever known and that is fine but i don't think you are a buckeye fan at all and need an answer to this question to prove it one way or another.
name two white DB's who started for OSU since 1993. naming only two is still suspicious as that should be quite easy yet not easily googleable unless maybe you are in the NSA. . . .
a real Buckeye fan can name 3 of them.
answer me that and then I won't know for a fact that you are a troll.
tick tock.
on a way off side note, this reminds me of a story from law school.
we were all first years in class and talking sports. some of us even played in college (not me, i uhhh just played with myself).
well one dude Kenny D was the hugest Atlanta Braves fan, Dallas Cowboys fan, Chicago Bulls fan, basically whoever was champ just so happened to be Kenny D's team. he also did a really [Mark May]ty white guy rap performance at a party if it helps get to know the guy. he also thought he could get away with hooking my hands / arms in hoops really bad in pick up games at first because there were no refs. he didn't realize that i throw a mean hip check and am very liberal with my elbows when i get mad playing hoops.
anyway Kenny D was talking BS about this or that and how all his teams are the [Mark May] and even though none of them were local for him (from southern MD) he liked them his whole life.
i was [censored]ing tired of it so I go, yea Kenny D, name 2 atlanta braves from the 1980's not named Dale Murphy. Not a [censored]ing one he could name. Hell he could have gone with the Niekro brothers or at least busted out a Bob Horner, no the dude just couldn't remember any of his childhood favorites.
i can spot posers almost as good as trolls and i sense troll here big time.
must admit though this would be a long term troll. almost as if you died and your punk grandkids got your ID for BP and are posting here while spending your SS checks.