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  • I expect to see a flow of noobs to BP this weekend. If you've never visited the scout.com boards, Fox Sports acquired them and rolled out a new format yesterday. So far, it's the biggest piece of shit in message boards history.

    I used to visit the Dallas Cowboys forums there, but if they don't fix it soon a once very active board will die. The Hineygate board there was active, but many in that crowd wouldn't last a week at BP. It will be interesting to see how many come here and survive. :lol:
    I plan to cancel my Scout subscription. I was considering doing so prior to the roll out, then I tried to use the new site and was pushed further towards cancelling, then I tried to figure out how to go about cancelling and learned that I have to call during business hours to do so (even though I can begin a subscription online). That sealed it for me. Absolutely ridiculous that I have to call you from work to cancel a subscription.
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    sepia5;2228118; said:
    I plan to cancel my Scout subscription. I was considering doing so prior to the roll out, then I tried to use the new site and was pushed further towards cancelling, then I tried to figure out how to go about cancelling and leaned that I have to call during business hours to do so (even though I can begin a subscription online). That sealed it for me. Absolutely ridiculous that I have to call you from work to cancel a subscription.

    yep, I got the subscription back in Feb, and only planned to have it for about a month or two, but because you had to call, i kept forgetting about it..I finally canceled it this week

    was well worth it though imo
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    Bucknut24;2228119; said:
    yep, I got the subscription back in Feb, and only planned to have it for about a month or two, but because you had to call, i kept forgetting about it..I finally canceled it this week

    was well worth it though imo

    They still make you call in to cancel? If so, that's pretty fucking stupid.
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    What an absolute disaster. Who launches a new product that is that big of a [censored]ing mess? I'll be cancelling my sub. I enjoyed it when it was scout. I like Bill Greene and nevadabuck's insider info, but once the current incarnation goes away, I'm gone.
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    NFBuck;2229955; said:
    What an absolute disaster. Who launches a new product that is that big of a [censored]ing mess? I'll be cancelling my sub. I enjoyed it when it was scout. I like Bill Greene and nevadabuck's insider info, but once the current incarnation goes away, I'm gone.

    They don't even provide you with the number anymore to cancel, hence why I asked on here... What a joke.
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