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Pounding the Buckeyes gets site traffic. I'm with BB73, DallasBuckeye, and the rest of you guys. But, I have reached the point that I now ignore Dodd. I once read his stuff everyday but now I just find it boring and trite.

Dennis, welcome to the world of Trev Albert. When you start believing that hyperbole substitutes for getting motivated enough to do the research needed to write a meaningful article, that little light you see in the corner of your eye is your career dissipation light.
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The article is very misleading. The guy made it seem as if there was a monsterous response to the jersey controversy, simply because a Dispatch poll had the largest number of respondents ever (which I think was something around a couple of hundred people). Also, like everyone else has said, the two incidents didn't occur at the same time. Very poor journalism.
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“There are two huge, important stories on campus here this week.
1. Fans can't wait for Ohio State's spring game on Saturday.
2. A faction of those fans -- call them get-a-lifers -- are hopping mad that <ST1:p<?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" /><st1:PlaceName>Ohio </st1:PlaceName><st1:PlaceType>State</st1:PlaceType> is changing its jerseys. The gray part of the proud Scarlet and Gray has all but been left off the new tops. Looks too much like <st1:State><ST1:pNebraska</ST1:p</st1:State>, <st1:State><ST1:pWisconsin </st1:State>or even -- yuck! --<st1:State><ST1:pIndiana</ST1:p</st1:State>…."

"…It can be argued confidently that the condition of walk-on receiver Tyson Gentry does not crack the top two huge, important list this week….”

“…On the 100th anniversary of the NCAA, it's harder than ever to get tragedy right...”

This article is “journalism” at its finest. The jersey change was announced two weeks ago at Jim Tressel’s luncheon on Alzheimer’s (April 4<SUP>th</SUP>). Gentry’s injury happened last week (Friday, April 14<SUP>th</SUP>). The jersey “controversy” subsided considerably before Gentry’s injury. The way the article is written implies that they all happened simultaneously.

It makes <ST1:p<st1:PlaceName>Ohio </st1:PlaceName><st1:PlaceType>State</st1:PlaceType></ST1:p fans look like a bunch of heartless jerks who care more about a jersey than Mr. Gentry’s health. It’s like we’re all writing emails to the Dispatch and Coach Tressel complaining about gray stripes while one of the players is in the hospital.

This implication is flat out erroneous.

The problem, however, is that OSU has been getting such bad press that past few years that any negative comment levied against the school or its fans is believed to be true no matter how inaccurate or contrived.

For the time being, there is not much we can do about the bad publicity. The best thing we can do, however, is pray for the young man’s recovery.<O:p</O:p
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I just ignore idiotic stuff like that. Peoples' lives are the most important thing. Clothing will change with the times. My thoughts and prayers for Tyson and family. I think the whiners who's only worry, is about a jersey change, need to get a life!:mad1: True buckeye fans care about the players and show, or express concern for those who get injured. Nuff said......
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It's amazing how many idiots there are who are commenting on this who didn't even read Dodd's article..even though osugrad put the most important part in bold (perhaps understanding that most people can't read).

It seems that Tressel is the one who equated Tyson's injury and the jersey controversy. That was really hard to figure out. :roll1:
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I'm uneasy on this one as a whole. Dodd is a dirtbag, and we need no more proof of that, but it seems like the main judgement being made about Buckeye fans (or "today's person") was by Coach Tressel, and it is an unfair blanket assumption in my estimation. Even if those 100 people or whatever are misguided, one can't judge the majority of Buckeye Nation, people like us, on the basis of nimrods who send death threats to players and angry e-mails about jersey colors to coaches. I can't go with the coach or Dodd on this one.
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It seems that Tressel is the one who equated Tyson's injury and the jersey controversy. That was really hard to figure out. :roll1:

Thanks for pointing that out for us Tibs
But the fact of the matter is, Dodd wrote an entire article based off of one comment by the coach.
He did no additional research to see if thoughts/cards/whatever had been sent to the family at the hospital.
Why would anyone email the coach to ask about a player, when the players hospital room number has been put online???
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I'm dissapointed with what Tressel said. He basically threw Buckeye fans under the bus like we did something wrong. Just about every single Buckeye fan would rather have Tyson walk again then have the old uni's back yet the media is making all of us out to be monsters with no feelings.
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I'm dissapointed with what Tressel said. He basically threw Buckeye fans under the bus like we did something wrong. Just about every single Buckeye fan would rather have Tyson walk again then have the old uni's back yet the media is making all of us out to be monsters with no feelings.

If there is ANY Buckeye "fan" that would rather have the old jerseys than Tyson walk again, they should be severely beaten down old-school style. Too much emphasis is placed on sports in this society maybe, but I think EVERYONE can make that particular distinction.
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If there is ANY Buckeye "fan" that would rather have the old jerseys than Tyson walk again, they should be severely beaten down old-school style. Too much emphasis is placed on sports in this society maybe, but I think EVERYONE can make that particular distinction.

No doubt but the sad fact is there are delusional and messed up people who don't have a sense of what's really important in life.
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So then why are there murderers and rapists? I think you're overestimating people.

I chuckled when I read that, because I'm often accused of underestimating people. As I pointed out above, I agree there are people who are that twisted...but they aren't really Buckeyes, and certainly don't share anything in common with me or the rest of us.
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