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S Orhian Johnson (official thread)

Wow, a 6'3" corner, hopefully scUM throws some fade/jump balls with their "huge" slot recievers against OJ. Typical genius rr playcalling :biggrin:

On a serious note, this is one of the advantages to JT's method of recruiting speed, big speed and power. Some teams (cough, cough Fatso Weis) go out and get the best HS position players thinking they'll translate into the best college players at said position. JT doesn't pigeon hole kids into a spot, he finds out where they fit best as they develop, so far so good.
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Five younger Buckeyes to track after watching one Ohio State practice
by Doug Lesmerises, The Plain Dealer
Wednesday August 12, 2009


Orhian Johnson

2. S Orhian Johnson, Fr. (redshirt) - Made a nice interception, plucking a tipped ball off the ground, though the coaches had to shout at him to remind him to tuck it away as he returned it. A lot of interesting talent for a safety, but he is stuck behind two seniors. I found it interesting though, that Tressel cracked open the door, just a bit, at safety by mentioning how good Jermale Hines looks as the nickelback. Hines is a tremendous player, and if anyone sneaks into more safety time, he would be the guy. But Johnson is worth watching.

Five younger Buckeyes to track after watching one Ohio State practice - cleveland.com
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So does anyone in the know, know if Orhian will be able to play this year? Is he just dinged or does he have a season ending kind of thing going on? We heard good things about him in the summer and with our issues at safety, I'm wondering if Orhian will be able to help us this year at some point?
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Buckeneye;1554286; said:
I'm extremely excited for this Saturday. I understand its only IU, but I've been looking forward to seeing OJ play every since we've brought him in.

I'll definitely be watching #19 this weekend.

Should this also be placed in the Nickname thread?
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Nothing like playing
Orhian Johnson will welcome fellow safety Kurt Coleman back to the active roster this week, but Johnson will miss the role he had during Coleman's one-game suspension. Johnson, used primarily on special teams this season, played extensively for the first time as a safety in the nickel defense.

"Of course, Kurt brings a different element to the game, because he is a great athlete, a great player," Johnson said. "But I think we responded very well. Everybody did their (part).

"We don't know how it would have been if Kurt had been in there, but coming away with a 'W' is pretty good."

Johnson, a redshirt freshman from St. Petersburg, Fla., said that as he took the field, "I wasn't feeling so much butterflies; it was more about excitement, about getting out there and playing football."

He even said he enjoyed the preparation.

"I paid attention all week, asked coach (Paul Haynes, the safeties coach) a lot of questions, I came in and watched extra film," Johnson said. "I wanted to be ready just in case I faced those situations."

BuckeyeXtra - OSU notebook: Offensive line boosted by freshman
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Looking for Johson to step up big time in 2010 and be a playmaker on D and special teams. He may have the biggest shoes to fill next year considering Coleman was the teams MVP.


Here's to a big 2010 campaign for Ohrian!!!

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TS10HTW;1645233; said:
Looking for Johson to step up big time in 2010 and be a playmaker on D and special teams. He may have the biggest shoes to fill next year considering Coleman was the teams MVP.


Here's to a big 2010 campaign for Ohrian!!!


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