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S Mike Doss (3x All B1G, 3x 1st Team All-American, National Champion, OSU HOF, CFB HOF)

Ohio State University and The National Football Foundation (NFF) & College Hall of Fame announced today that they will jointly honor 2022 College Football Hall of Fame electee Mike Doss with an NFF Hall of Fame On-Campus Salute, presented by Fidelity Investments®. The Salute will take place this Saturday, Oct. 22, during the Buckeyes' home football game against Iowa. The game will kick off at Noon ET on FOX.

"Blessed!" Doss tweeted after the announcement in January. "Thank you to all my coaches and teammates at The DBU!!! Can't wait to celebrate this honor and our 2002 National Championship!"

The NFF Hall of Fame On-Campus Salute program, which began with the inaugural College Football Hall of Fame Class in 1951, has become a hallowed tradition, and to this day the singular events remain the first of numerous activities in the Hall of Fame experience.
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for those of you who never got to see Jack Tatum play/ intimidate you should look him up on Youtube. Jack's Forte was either a tackle ala Butkiss or an elbow to the head. Sigh, what a distinct pleasure to either of these two play.
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for those of you who never got to see Jack Tatum play/ intimidate you should look him up on Youtube. Jack's Forte was either a tackle ala Butkiss or an elbow to the head. Sigh, what a distinct pleasure to either of these two play.
He became the Assassin after the Stingley hit. He hit hard with the Bucks but my foggy memory remembers him as one of the most fundamentally sound, knowledgeable and instinctive, which sounds weird but I remember him as one of the most complete defensive players I’ve ever seen. He’s my favorite Buckeye defender..
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He became the Assassin after the Stingley hit. He hit hard with the Bucks but my foggy memory remembers him as one of the most fundamentally sound, knowledgeable and instinctive, which sounds weird but I remember him as one of the most complete defensive players I’ve ever seen. He’s my favorite Buckeye defender..
I believe he was The Assassin before the Stingley hit, which was in a preseason game in 1978.

Tatum had made the Pro Bowl in ‘73, ‘74, and ‘75. He had another legendary hit against Viking WR Sammy White in Suoer Bowl XI in January, 1977.

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I was lucky enuf to have watched Canton McKinley play Moeller for the state semi-finals at the Akron Rubber Bowl...
Doss, Kenny Peterson and Jamar Martin were all part of the legendary undefeated HS National Champs (USA Today #1) and undefeated National Champs Buckeyes

Another thing I clearly remember... McKinley's DL was massive... 300 or near across the board
I was sitting there thinking 'where in the hell do these huge kids come from"
Went to get a hot choc up top at halftime and there were all the McKinley dads huddled/chatting... all 6'6 and 300+
ding ding.... ahhhh that's where they come from
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Doss Honorary Captain

Michael Doss, the three-time All-American safety from Canton, Ohio, who was inducted into the College Football Hall of Fame earlier this month, will be Ohio State’s honorary captain for the Chick-fil-A Peach Bowl. Doss is the 27th Ohio State player to be enshrined into the Hall of Fame.

Entire article: https://ohiostatebuckeyes.com/ohio-state-cfp-prep-moves-to-atlanta-mercedes-benz-stadium/
Fuck that, suit him up! We need someone to nail the TEs early on so they alligator arm it the rest of the game!
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