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S Donte Whitner (Official Thread)

NFBuck;1878200; said:
There's a reason they haven't sniffed the postseason in a decade and a half...

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Bills tender offers
March 1, 2011

The Buffalo Bills have made tender offers to three potential restricted free agents - safety Donte Whitner, linebacker Paul Posluszny and tight end Scott Chandler, the team announced on its website.

The moves serve as a cover-your-bases tactic with the NFL's collective bargaining agreement set to expire at midnight Thursday.

Under normal circumstances, Whitner and Posluszny would become unrestricted free agents and not be subject to a qualifying contract offer. Whitner has five years of experience, Posluszny four. Last year, because the NFL was operating without a salary cap, the rules were changed, requiring a player to have six years experience to hit unrestricted free agency.

If a new labor deal is signed with enough time to allow for a free-agent signing period, the tender offers for Whitner and Posluszny presumably will be irrelevant. But if the NFL's labor impasse stretches into August or later, it's possible there will be no free-agency period and the rights to free agents who have received offers could revert to their former team, with some sort of mandatory pay raise attatched.

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Buddy Nix: Donte Whitner "Probably Won't" Be Back
by Brian Galliford on May 3, 2011
Buffalo Bills News

Over the weekend, as the Buffalo Bills were adding two defensive backs within the first 100 picks of the 2011 NFL Draft, two free agent Bills defensive backs were openly wondering about their future with the team on Twitter.

When the Bills selected Texas cornerback Aaron Williams in the second round, Drayton Florence instantly believed that his time in Buffalo was up, tweeting the following message: "Congrats Arron williams I guess im done in buffalo enjoyed it while it lasted bills have the best fans!!!"

Donte Whitner, who has, to put it mildly, exhibited odd behavior ever since the season ended - starting with cleaning out his locker well before his teammates to avoid media on locker clean-out day, and ending with an apparent Twitter meltdown over the past few days - also seems ready to fly the coop. After the Bills selected safety Da'Norris Searcy, Whitner tweeted the following: "Congrats Buffalo. On ur. Draft picks....lol".

Yesterday, GM Buddy Nix spoke with Shredd and Ragan on WEDG 103.3 to talk about the draft, and was asked about the future of his two free agent defensive backs. Nix made the organization's stance very clear.

"Drayton Florence, absolutely not," Nix said when asked if the two were done in Buffalo. "We think Drayton wants to be here, and we want him here. We're going to try to sign Drayton Florence. Donte Whitner, I don't think wants to be here, and he probably won't."

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Donte Whitner says he wants to stay with the Bills
Posted by Mike Florio on May 7, 2011

Bills G.M. Buddy Nix recently seemed to close the door on safety Donte Whitner?s career in Buffalo.

?Donte Whitner I don?t think wants to be here, and he probably won?t,? Nix told The Shredd & Ragan Show on WEDG.

Whitner disagrees with Nix?s assessment. ?He actually said, he didn?t think I wanted to be there so I wouldn?t,? Whitner told the Associated Press. ?Well, I have something to say about that. I don?t think I?ve ever said that I don?t want to be there. I do want to be a Buffalo Bill.?

Whitner, a top-10 draft pick in 2006 who received a one-year restricted free agency tender before the lockout started, isn?t averse to the possibility of accepting the offer. ?I wouldn?t have any problem with that,? Whitner said. ?I?m not going to go in there and be a cancer to the football team. I?m not going to go in there and act out of character. I?m going to go in there and do what I?ve been doing for the past five years. I?m going to lead.?

Some Bills fans would argue that it would be out of character for Whitner to actually lead.

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The RFAs are attractive because they are younger and just hitting their prime. But without confirmation of the pool of RFAs, we can only speculate on potential restricted free agents such as Buffalo safety Donte Whitner.

The Bills say they might not bring him back; Whitner says he'd like to return to Buffalo. Whitner figures to be attractive to the Browns because of their need to replace unrestricted free agent Abe Elam and because Whitner played four years under Dick Jauron, the current Browns defensive coordinator, in Buffalo. Whitner, in fact, was the first draft pick made by Jauron as Bills head coach.

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Would Donte Whitner fit the Browns?
May, 18, 2011
By James Walker

I have been reluctant to discuss free agency during the NFL lockout for several reasons. For starters, we're not sure who will be restricted and unrestricted until there's a new collective bargaining agreement. Second, teams cannot and will not talk about players (I've tried). So everything is mere speculation.

But since the lockout appears to be going well into the summer, we're going to start making exceptions. The first exception is speculating whether pending free-agent safety Donte Whitner is a good fit for the Cleveland Browns.

After becoming the No. 8 overall pick of the Buffalo Bills in 2006, Whitner has completed the final year of his rookie contract and recorded a career-high 140 tackles in addition to one interception last season. He is a Cleveland native, which helps in pursuing Whitner, and the Browns certainly have cap room (if there is a cap).

Last year's starter, Abram Elam, is a pending free agent and had a so-so year with the Browns. He recorded 79 tackles and two interceptions. Whitner would certainly be an upgrade.

Cleveland spent the first two rounds of the draft addressing its front four by taking defensive tackle Phil Taylor and defensive end Jabaal Sheard. Perhaps Cleveland will look to spend its dollars in free agency on the secondary.

I think teaming Whitner, 25, with safety T.J. Ward and cornerback Joe Haden would make for a young and talented secondary for the Browns, who are trying to build for the long haul.

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