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S Donte Whitner (Official Thread)

I am so sick of all this Chad Jackson garbage. When he's a bust in the NFL just like all other UF WRs, I'm going to be laughing. Back to the topic at hand, though--that's great for Donte. Glad to see he's getting the attention/respect he deserves! :osu:
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I am so sick of all this Chad Jackson garbage. When he's a bust in the NFL just like all other UF WRs, I'm going to be laughing. Back to the topic at hand, though--that's great for Donte. Glad to see he's getting the attention/respect he deserves! :osu:

Seriously, where is the respect for Buckeye receivers?

We got the best gamers in the league today, but people still buy the southern speed receivers.
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I dont get it either.

He ran .1 faster than most recievers at the combine so hes a lot better than all of them. :shake:

Back to Whitner though, its good to see that hes really moving up in the draft.

I loved the way Whitner played last year and it's good to see NFL scouts notice too. He also proved at the combine he's very strong and fast for his size. Being the second defensive back drafted would be quite an honor. I'm going to miss him next season.
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I agree with Buckeyekid. I think a lot of us underestimated just how good Donte was for us last year. Of course when you have a group of LB's like that in front of you, it's bound to be difficult to garner much attention.:tongue2: Either way, go Donte...get that paycheck and make us proud in the League.:osu:
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Donte Whitner, Ohio State – After Huff, I believe Whitner to be the best safety in this draft. He has similar skills to Huff in that they both excel in coverage and play physical close to the line of scrimmage. Whitner has blazing speed and he’ll make an excellent centerfield-type free safety because he’s able to cover so much ground.
The thing that impressed me the most about Whitner is that even though he’s more of a coverage safety, he’s an extremely physical tackler. He fights off blocks well, makes a ton of tackles behind the line of scrimmage and in my opinion is the best blitzing defensive back in this class. What teams are getting in Whitner is a complete football player. He’s the kind of player that can line up anywhere and he’ll be able to do whatever is asked of him.
The Dolphins could really use a defensive back with Whitner’s versatility, so expect him to be on their radar with the 16th pick but if he lasts until 21, he would make a heck of a selection for the Patriots. Whitner would solidify the Patriots uncertain safety position for the next decade.
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Donte Whitner, Ohio State – After Huff, I believe Whitner to be the best safety in this draft. He has similar skills to Huff in that they both excel in coverage and play physical close to the line of scrimmage. Whitner has blazing speed and he’ll make an excellent centerfield-type free safety because he’s able to cover so much ground.
The thing that impressed me the most about Whitner is that even though he’s more of a coverage safety, he’s an extremely physical tackler. He fights off blocks well, makes a ton of tackles behind the line of scrimmage and in my opinion is the best blitzing defensive back in this class. What teams are getting in Whitner is a complete football player. He’s the kind of player that can line up anywhere and he’ll be able to do whatever is asked of him.
The Dolphins could really use a defensive back with Whitner’s versatility, so expect him to be on their radar with the 16th pick but if he lasts until 21, he would make a heck of a selection for the Patriots. Whitner would solidify the Patriots uncertain safety position for the next decade.

Wow, nothing but praise. I would love to see the Seahawks take him. We're a little depleted at the safety position. I don't think he'll last that long in the draft though. :(
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after hawk i thought donte was the best defensive player on the field for us last season. he was very versatile and even though he appears like he is a smallish speedy guy he did just like the report said...fought off blocks and laid the wood. his looks are very deceptive and he is always there to make the play.
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I am thinking he made the right decision to come out now eh? I hate patting myself on the back :biggrin:

About the Chad Jackson love real quick. It is quite simple, in the NFL if everything is close to even the taller receiver will be drafted ahead of the shorter receiver if their draft grades are close. The sick part is if Holmes was 6'1 he is a top 10 pick. It isn't right but that is how the draft has always been.
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