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S Caleb Downs (Official Thread)

I just watched it again and he turned a potential fumble-causing mega-tackle into an ankle tap that just as easily could’ve been a miss. I’m applauding the anticipation, timing, and speed, but the tackle execution sucked.

You can argue the angle, although his pursuit forced the RB to turn his body parallel to the LOS and removed a cutback lane. Also, the only person who calls that a tap is Jack Tatum.
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I love the guy and I love that he's with us, BUT that tap, potato-potahto, could just as easily be even more glancing or an outright miss and there was nothing but green in front of the runner. Against a better team, that could go for six. I'm sure Knowles spoke with him about it.
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All that said… he didn’t even try to wrap up and the hit wasn’t centered. This is the kind of hit that can get you burned just as easily. He was there, the speed was great, but it was not a great tackle.

I just watched it again and he turned a potential fumble-causing mega-tackle into an ankle tap that just as easily could’ve been a miss. I’m applauding the anticipation, timing, and speed, but the tackle execution sucked.

I love the guy and I love that he's with us, BUT that tap, potato-potahto, could just as easily be even more glancing or an outright miss and there was nothing but green in front of the runner. Against a better team, that could go for six. I'm sure Knowles spoke with him about it.
I think everyone here would agree, you are much less fun than I am posting drunk.
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Ridiculous. If he missed that tackle dude is 20 yards down the field. Balls and the brass to fucking back it!

Mana from heaven Saban retiring.
Right, but you're missing the point of exactly my point. He read it perfectly, was in the right place, came up at the right speed, didn't even attempt to wrap and made almost no contact. He almost did miss the tackle (in fact, he did and instead made an ankle tap/arm tackle) and I'd guess that a better ball carrier runs through that. I've missed more than my share of tackles, I'm sure. I'm not down on him for that. He's a legit baller and we're fortunate to have him. What I'm down on is the lauding of a shit "tackle" like it had actually been made the way it should've.
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It was definitely not textbook, that's for sure. But good lord do we nitpick the fuck outta everything.
It was textbook, better than textbook, right up until it wasn't. Maybe if he'd landed the solid hit in the chest that he should've and just not wrapped up or maybe if he hadn't taken the right angle or flashed over to help and saved 6 with what he did. Maybe then I can see a nitpicking charge. This wasn't that, though, and I would've shut up about it earlier except for the blind fawning pushback to a reasonably critical comment supported by video.
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It was textbook, better than textbook, right up until it wasn't. Maybe if he'd landed the solid hit in the chest that he should've and just not wrapped up or maybe if he hadn't taken the right angle or flashed over to help and saved 6 with what he did. Maybe then I can see a nitpicking charge. This wasn't that, though, and I would've shut up about it earlier except for the blind fawning pushback to a reasonably critical comment supported by video.

Without a doubt it was flawless until the point of attack. Again, I don't disagree with you. He's an All American who, ultimately, made the play in a game they won by 56. Caleb's tackling is at the bottom of the list of things that concern me.
My point is that a guy makes a play and fans worry about HOW he did it as opposed to the fact that he just did it. I've done it a million times, as Buckeyes fans I'm pretty sure that's been written into our DNA. Maybe I'm just noticing it more now.

Edit: Rugby, not calling you out personally by any means, I do ultimately agree with the technical assessment, maybe I've just gotten sensitive to fan reactions.
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Just sayin': Silver Bullets.....They're back......8D

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All that said… he didn’t even try to wrap up and the hit wasn’t centered. This is the kind of hit that can get you burned just as easily. He was there, the speed was great, but it was not a great tackle.
I agree but I’m sure everyone here probably figured I’d say that lol.

The amount of speed he had is what tripped the guy up. Thankfully he packs a decent punch when he hits because like you mentioned if that guy can keep his legs up that might be a touchdown.

Like someone mentioned though, his decision to plant and get to the ball was the more impressive thing there. Damn he recognizes things quick and can use his physical traits to get to the ball. Just has to be sure to get that head across better.
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My issue was never with him. Great player, great read, great anticipation and reaction, almost a whiff in the tackle, but, as you say, he was able to make the stop anyway. He will (and, I imagine, already has) learn from it. I’m sure Knowles was in him right away.

My issue was simply the laudatory treatment it got like it was a great play. That shouldn’t be on his highlight film. He’s better than that.
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