People are largely a product of their past. What I see in Day is an inability to respond in an appropriate way emotionally during games. Several times during his tenure, Day has mentioned things that suggest keeping one's emotions in check. I get that. You don't want your players to break down emotionally because they fall behind. But it is something deeper going on. I watched how he responded to Harry Miller and what he said about him and his own father, and how he handled team mental health (which I applaud). I also see him dancing in the middle of the team in the locker room. He expresses emotions. But there is something going on there that I am not competent to comment on and, even if I were, it would be improper to do so.
I know I am rambling, but we want a coach that will say, "Go ahead. Make my Day" and then reach across the table and choke someone to win a game of checkers. I thought we saw that guy emerging in the waning moments of the Indiana game but then TCUN happens.
I guess that what I am saying is that it looks to me like, if Day continues to be the coach, he needs a personal coach of his own and, if he has a personal coach, then probably he needs another one.