The Most Power-Drunk
Buckem, I believe most people have a problem more with his timing than the fact he decided to retire. All off-season, he has been reported has being a very vocal leader in the meetings, talking about the upcoming season. Then, right after failing his 3rd drug test, he "decides" to retire rather than face a suspension. It comes down to two things: First, loyalty to your team. If you're going to make promises, then keep them. Don't quit one week before training camp. Second, it seems pretty obvious that Ricky is more interested in scoring bong-rips than TD's. To each his own, but that is flat out irresponsible. If he wanted to quit football, then pull a Robert Smith and do it after the season. Don't make false promises all year, then quit right before camp.Buckem said:Why is it unreal that someone who doesn't have the desire to play football anymore chooses not to. I applaud him for not letting influences like popular societal beliefs and money influence him. He himself said he feels very relieved and happy to have made this decison. Sounds like he made a good decision for himself.