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Rich Rodriguez (official thread of last laughs)

billmac91;1031670; said:
Could you ever see Tressel pulling a move like that?

Yes! If he left tOSU I wouldn't blame him if he took a couple players with him. If thats who he wanted at tOSU, why wouldn't he want some of those players to come with him......It's not really a BAD move. It is a smart move on his part to keep the players he wanted that fit his system.
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I disagree. I don't think Tressel would compound his departure by trying to take back recruits who had already committed to the Buckeyes. There's a classy way of leaving a program for another gig, and DRod has failed miserably.
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billmac91;1031670; said:
Calling kids and asking them to switch their committments to the school you are going to is wrong, IMO.

How is it wrong? A coach recruits a kid because he knows the kid is good, and the coach had already been at another school, he probably would've recruited him there also, so what's the difference. In this case, Woods himself said he committed to each of his schools because of the staff/coaches, so he essentially committed to them instead of the school or overall program itself.
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b/c it's adding insult to injury. If a player wants to follow the coach and is completely sold on that, it's understandable to me. If a coach takes another gig and is actively calling recruits and asking them to switch their committments, its unethical to me. Not only are you leaving the university, but now you're going to take players, and force that university into last minute recruitments. I stand by my statement that JT as well as many other coaches would back off previously committed players in a transition to another school
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billmac91;1033164; said:
b/c it's adding insult to injury. If a player wants to follow the coach and is completely sold on that, it's understandable to me. If a coach takes another gig and is actively calling recruits and asking them to switch their committments, its unethical to me. Not only are you leaving the university, but now you're going to take players, and force that university into last minute recruitments. I stand by my statement that JT as well as many other coaches would back off previously committed players in a transition to another school

So, coaches who continue to recruit kids after they commit to other schools (keep in mind that we do that) are unethical? Because that's exactly what Rodriguez is doing--re-recruiting from Michigan.
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I don't see JT doing this because I don't see JT leaving OSU for any other college coaching position, hence it is moot. Besides, JT is also selling the university to a recruit, not just himself as a coach.

Back to DJ. He has gone through more in the past 2-3 months recruiting wise and also health wise, than any 18 year old should have to go through. I really feel for the kid and I hope that this latest saga is his last saga. What his experience should illuminate for himself (and others in recruiting) is to really make sure that the school you commit to is where you want to be. Coaches come and go, but the institution itself will remain constant.
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MililaniBuckeye;1033165; said:
So, coaches who continue to recruit kids after they commit to other schools (keep in mind that we do that) are unethical? Because that's exactly what Rodriguez is doing--re-recruiting from Michigan.

I've always heard, we back off verbally committed prospects unless they make contact with us. I'm not sure if that is still the case, but that is the ethical play.

My beef with Rodriguez is he is actively pursuing the top targets on WVU's board by calling them and guiding them away from WVU, when he's spent several years guiding them to WVU. It is unethical to me.

I don't have any ground to stand on if the recruit committed to the coach, and will follow no matter where he goes. My problem is his aggressive nature in getting those kids to de-committ or drop WVU b/c he's not there anymore.

And I do know several coaches have taken that stance in recent history, but I don't remeber off the top if my head. Maybe someone else can remember.
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It seems to me that up until his effective date of resignation, and while he is still presumabely being paid to be the head coach of WVU, Coach Rodriguez owes or owed WVU a duty to perform the head coach duties of said university to the best of his abilities. Not only did Coach Rodriguez not keep the best interests of WVU in mind, he went behind WVU's proverbial back to directly hurt its position.

Coach Rodriguez calling the nation's #1 recruit in an attempt to sway him to Michigan should not be allowed until he is off WVU's payroll (or at the very least until he has broken the news of quitting to his own kids). If universities aren't doing so already, they should be placing provisions in the coaches' contracts that disallow their coaches to poach recruits when they decide to privately negotiate and accept new positions with different schools, and specifically set forth the penalties should any violations along those lines occur.
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bukIpower;1033181; said:
I thought coaches were in a quiet period anyways???

The day when Coach Rodriguez made the call, it was a designated quiet period. My understanding is that it is not an NCAA violation to call recruits during quiet periods.

The point I am trying to make is similar to a fiduciary duty or duty of loyalty that you would see in other settings/industries -- the duty being owed to WVU, not the NCAA.
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The primary issue I have with this isn't that Rodriguez contacted Woods - it is that Rodriguez contacted Woods while still on West Virginia's payroll - to lure him away to TSUN, his prospective new employer.

Had Rodriguez held off on those calls till after he announced his departure from WVU I would have still looked somewhat sideways at RR's actions - but, they wouldn't fall squarely into the unethical column at that time.

As for RR contacting Woods now, no problem, he has already sent up the smoke signals that he is a soft verbal for WVU. He is now looking around so any coach, including RR, has every right to make or resume contact with Woods.
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