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Rich Rodriguez (official thread of last laughs)

HailToMichigan;1168840; said:
Something that has been done for a long time, and has some kind of story behind it or a reason for having started or is something that is unique to the school or identifies it some way.

Uh, no. A tradition, by default, it something you do and have done for a long time. Many schools may have similar or same traditions. If Michigan has been selecting team captains before the start of the season since they started playing football, that is indeed a tradition. It doesn't have to be as well-known as the M Club Banner or the #1 jersey for a WR (the latter of which is only a relatively recent "tradition").
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HailToMichigan;1168829; said:
...I'd have been concerned if he'd told Braylon Edwards he didn't care and was not going to be told how to run his program, but that's not what happened...

Well... umm... no. That hasn't happened. Well... not to Braylon Edwards, anyway.
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jwinslow;1168869; said:
Princeton, Delaware also share UM's #1 tradition, the Winged Helmet.
Once again:

Something that has been done for a long time, and has some kind of story behind it or a reason for having started or is something that is unique to the school or identifies it some way.
Yes, Take Me Out to the Ballgame is a tradition. There's a story behind it, yes? It identifies with baseball, yes? There's a story behind the 7th inning stretch, isn't there?

I'll bet you don't think "hey, Delaware's helmet!" whenever you see the winged pattern.

Mili, I don't care about what's been done for a long time just because it's been done for a long time. By that logic, having a green field is tradition. By that logic, the perception of a country club atmosphere at Michigan practices is tradition.

I care about what makes Michigan Michigan.
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HailToMichigan;1168887; said:
Once again:

Yes, Take Me Out to the Ballgame is a tradition. There's a story behind it, yes? It identifies with baseball, yes? There's a story behind the 7th inning stretch, isn't there?

I'll bet you don't think "hey, Delaware's helmet!" whenever you see the winged pattern.

Mili, I don't care about what's been done for a long time just because it's been done for a long time. By that logic, having a green field is tradition. By that logic, the perception of a country club atmosphere at Michigan practices is tradition.

I care about what makes Michigan Michigan.

And you accused me of selecting things to fit my argument. :lol:

Obviously, there are traditions that are associated with one certain school, but that doesn't make others any less a tradition. I'm sure there's a story behind selecting captains at the beginning of the season. It may not be associated only with um, but um has been doing it that way for 100 years. That makes it, by definition, a tradition. A m*ch*g*n tradition, no, but a tradition none-the-less.

Your all out defense of every little thing this man does is bordering on the absurd. To the point that you want to change the very definition of words. You're on a Buckeye board, we're pre-disposed to hate the man so obviously we're gonna give him shit for the things he does, but we're not the only ones that think there's trouble afoot in aa. My God, is there anything he could do that would cause the slightest bit of trepidation on your part?

How 'bout we save you the time and just have these posted immediately after every article:

[HTM] No Big Deal.[/HTM]

[HTM] Doesn't bother me.[/HTM]

That would save us all time and all these semantical arguments.
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HailToMichigan;1168887; said:
Mili, I don't care about what's been done for a long time just because it's been done for a long time. By that logic, having a green field is tradition. By that logic, the perception of a country club atmosphere at Michigan practices is tradition.

NFBuck;1168893; said:
Obviously, there are traditions that are associated with one certain school, but that doesn't make others any less a tradition. I'm sure there's a story behind selecting captains at the beginning of the season. It may not be associated only with um, but um has been doing it that way for 100 years. That makes it, by definition, a tradition. A m*ch*g*n tradition, no, but a tradition none-the-less.

What NFBuck said...
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Interesting, my employers are tsun grads, and they are pretty disgusted with the changes that are occuring and think that he needs to prove something on the field before he even THINKS about changing stuff. H2M's response makes me laugh a little, I guess it shows the difference between grads and fans, grads want to win but without compromising the integrity of the program or it's traditions, the fans just want to win. Like I have said in the past and I will say again, if this doesn't work out when this guy leaves your programs identity will be gone and everything that made tsun the elite program it was will be gone too. My thoughts, you better keep your fingers crossed, you can ask Alabama and Nebraska how quickly you can fall and how long it takes to get back up.
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Oh8ch;1168971; said:
It reminds me that "winning" is another UM tradition that RR will be changing.

One of the owners of my company pointed out a major change that's going to happen. Tsun has always had their quarterbacks drafted and playing in the nfl... that's a "tradition" that will make a huge change, mobile quarterbacks are great in the college game, they are meat for the beast in the pro game. Enjoy the new "traditions" that RR brings.
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