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Rich Rodriguez (official thread of last laughs)

Gatorubet;1132558; said:
Like that ever happens...:paranoid:


I just couldn't ever see a respctable person having someone who represents them, say something so offensive and stupid.

I couldn't even see Urban Meyer hire someone who would say something so dumb. I certainly couldn't see Jim Tressel hire someone who would make a statement like that.

It will be interesting to see:

1) What Rodriguez says when asked about the quote
2) What Michigan fans will think

This just broke, so by Monday I'd assume there will be some strong feelings regarding the statement.
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billmac91;1132553; said:
This is awesome. D-Rod & co. sure know how to tactifully work the room.

from Collegefootballtalk.com

I would imagine all former slaves probably would have felt the exact same way Rodriguez does. It's basically the exact same situation.

I've basically gone from being slightly worried about the hire of D-Rod b/c of his previous success, to being embarrassed he's in the Big 10. Can anyone else imagine JT being represnted by someone who compares a contract situation to slavery?

What an asshole.


That is absolutely infuriating. What an absolute shitdick. You signed the fucking contract you tubby, balding asshole. If WVU had fired you, I'm sure you'd expect them to pay you what they owed you. Seriously, how can somebody with an ounce of integrity or tact say (or allow their lawyer to say) this kind of assinine drivel. I may actually be wishing for his ultimate failure more than Bike Hart's at this point. Jesus.

billmac91;1132556; said:
If you're a Michigan fan, at what point do you stop defending him?
When he loses a couple games he shouldn't and proves he can't beat tOSU either.

I'm interested in hearing from some UM fans on this one. They'll probably just push all of the blame onto the lawyer.

Yep. That'll be it. Promise.
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This is your typical m*ch*g*n fan's view in regards to their new savior's quest to successfully violate his year old contract...

RE: RichRod legal update - 4/3/2008 6:35:34 PM
True Blue

Posts: 264
Joined: 2/3/2008
From: San Francisco Bay Area
Status: offline
There is one, but Rod's lawyers must have given some reason for pursuing things this way. Never say never in the world of law. Did OJ do it? Was he convicted?

Yes, this case is quite similar to OJ's murder trial. OJ had signed documents proving he did it, but got out of it anyway.

They just can't seem to comprehend, or are unwilling to admit that this walking doll hair farm signed a fucking contract and is trying to weasel his way out of it.
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NFBuck;1132570; said:
This is your typical m*ch*g*n fan's view in regards to their new savior's quest to successfully violate his year old contract...

Yes, this case is quite similar to OJ's murder trial. OJ had signed documents proving he did it, but got out of it anyway.

They just can't seem to comprehend, or are unwilling to admit that this walking doll hair farm signed a fucking contract and is trying to weasel his way out of it.

if he doesn't immediately fire his lawyer he's going to look 10X worse than he already has.

Again, once this hits mainstream, he's screwed. You just can't make those comments in today's environement. I would imagine Michigan adminastrators are already discussing ways to difuse this.
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They'll probably realize they don't want him around about the same time they realize they have like the 5th or 6th best coach in the conference. He's not in the Big East with no names anymore.

ShredRod will probably coach there for 2 years, not be able to win right away, and get sht canned.
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Typical m*ch*g*n fan:

"Everything is fine. Nothing is wrong here.Things are great and are going to be great. There are no problems with our new coach or the program. We will be triumphant. They will be surrendering. Not us. Them."
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I guess I am in the same frame of mind as Grad21 in respect of his behavior. It was surprising that they hired him but what he has done since is not.

Where I will speak for myself is this: RR may understand football. He may get good, but not great, results on the field. But he is not a person of any real substance.

Tressel appears to me to be a man who coaches about football and about life. I am not an evangelical Christian and I am not advocating evangelical coaches. I believe that Tressel could do what he does if he were a Muslim, a Hindu, or whatever. My point is that he appears to impart values to his players that help them excel in the game of life. He coaches more than football. He coaches life skills, which help on and off the football field.

Consider Ohio State before and after his arrival. The graduation rate, in something other than independent studies I might add, is way up. If you want any evidence, then just look at the transformation of Troy Smith or the juniors returning this year to play. Listen to how they speak, what they talk about, and think about the values that they have learned from Tressel.

I have seen no evidence that RR understands these values himself; in fact, I see a lot of evidence that he doesn't understand them at all. This suggests to me that he has no understanding of how to develop young men into people who can succeed in life. He will fail. Even if his teams win on the field, they will fail.

He will not be there long.
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ScriptOhio;1132605; said:
Which is a lot nicer than the $2M dollar multi-level mansion that he purchased in Ann Arbor:


Look, it may not be this nice, but let's not forget that he has lots of options in Detroit. Buy two or three of those boarded up houses and hook 'em together and you could really have something.

Before you just dismiss my idea, just thing how big your shuffleboard court could be. You also could build one hell of a fuffie slide from house #1 to house #3. I'm telling you, the man is sitting on a gold mine.
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Buckeyeskickbuttocks;1132511; said:
Nonsense. It's not what you write that matters, it's what you say was said that's important. Or.. what you say you were told... The actual contract itself.. I mean the paper document.. it's really just for show. A Keepsake, of sorts.

(Anyone wondering if I'm kidding, yes.. I'm fucking kidding)

billmac91;1132516; said:
Buckeyeskickbuttocks;1132511; said:
That's a load of crap BKB. Of course the paper document means something. That is what the contract stipulates. Unbelievable. Honestly.

Billmac.... did you miss the part I made bold above? :slappy:


billmac said:
I would imagine all former slaves probably would have felt the exact same way Rodriguez does. It's basically the exact same situation.

That's a load of crap Billmac. Slavery is worlds different than a contract dispute. Freedom of self v. a millionaire's squabble? Unbelievable. Honestly.

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I'll be very surprised if RRod doesn't fire his lawyer for those comments comparing the contract to slavery. Even if he doesn't want to can the guy, the TSUN heirarchy has to be aghast right now, and presumably will quickly tell RRod that his only choice is to immediately get a new lawyer.

This whole thing is a train wreck that just keeps on giving.
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I'll be very surprised if RRod doesn't fire his lawyer for those comments comparing the contract to slavery.

Either the lawyer recants, RR recants on behalf of his lawyer (or fires him) or you can hold RR equally accountable for the statements.

He keeps this up and he could have the same legacy at UM that he had at Salem College. (After his first year as head coach they discontinued their football program - I shit you not.)

And just out of curiosity, is the 2 Mil home he is selling in WV being marketed as his former slave quarters?
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