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Reggie Bush (Heisman Winner)

Reggie Bush is the most ovverated player on CFB last year. I would love to see him play against a good Defense like OSU, he would get embarressed. I have wached a lot of Film on the guy and, were he does have good cuts, his opponents are slow and he makes a ton of mental mistakes, such as hitting the wrong hole. Put your money on it that he will be shit in the nfl.
With that said Vince Young Deserved the Hiesman, hands down. Hell look what he dude to osu.(Granted we had that game won, he still kicked some ass)
I laughed at the guy who said that he single handly beat FSU. First of all Vince Young Single handadly won all of them games. Second of all no, Bush didn't his line did. Just wach some film, he had the best O-line in college. Vince Young was robbed of the Hiesman and to anyone who wached more then osu and espn highlights would know that.

Reggie Bush is one of the best college football players of this generation. He is just as good as people say he is, and deserved everything he got. Vince Young had more than his fair share of cupcake defenses, and his offensive line was as dominant as USC's or any other line out there. And also, while they are the most unsung players out there, they don't help you juke out defenders in open field, or return kicks, or blow away everyone else with your speed.

Vince Young is a great player, no doubt, and would have won the heisman almost any other year. While I still firmly believe that Bush deserved the award, I have no problem with saying that Young also had a great year, and it probably shouldn't have been such a landslide in the voting. It should have been closer than it was, but you also have to think that maybe all of the voters went the same way, and all thought Bush deserved it and that Vince Young got unlucky with having to go against him, and ended up second.
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I saw several games for both VY and Reggie Bush last year. Like a lot of the actual voters, I switched my Heisman preference from VY to Bush late in the regular season. If the Heisman were awarded after the bowl games, however, I would have switched back to VY.

But these things change on the bounce of a ball. I'm watching the 2006 Rose Bowl right now, and 2 plays I didn't remember really stand out. VY fumbled in the fourth quarter, with the ball bouncing off an offensive lineman before being recovered by a Texas OL. That recovery allowed Texas to kick a FG (which made it 31-26). After USC scored to go up 38-26; on the next drive VY rolled far left and threw an ill-advised pass almost straight across the field with 5:31 to go. Brandon Ting for USC knocked it down, when he should have picked it off. If he catches that ball, the game is virtually over and the legend of VY ends on a sour note (of course, he may have decided to come back if they didn't win the NC.

I'm glad that Texas won, and I'm glad that tOSU doesn't have to face him in Austin in 57 days. But both Bush and Young were worthy of the Heisman, and to downplay the talent of either one of them is ridiculous.
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<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%"><tbody><tr><td class="yspsctnhdln">
Will Reggie run a reverse?</td> </tr> <tr> <td height="7"><spacer type="block" height="1" width="1"></td> </tr> </tbody></table> By Jason Cole, Yahoo! Sports
July 21, 2006 <table id="ysparticleheadshot" align="left" border="0" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="0" hspace="5" vspace="5"> <tbody><tr> <td class="ysptblbdr2"> <table class="yspwhitebg" border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0" width="100%"> <tbody><tr> <td> <table class="yspwhitebg" border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0" width="100%"> <tbody><tr> <td></td></tr><tr><td></td> </tr> </tbody></table> </td> </tr> </tbody></table> </td> </tr> </tbody></table>
<small>Reggie Bush highlight reel</small>
No. 2 overall pick and Heisman Trophy-winning running back Reggie Bush not only appears headed for a holdout with the New Orleans Saints, a league source said Bush is toying with the idea of sitting out the entire season and going back in the draft in 2007 if he doesn't get his price.
"No player has ever had the kind of leverage that Reggie Bush has right now," the source said. "The Saints made it clear what they were willing to do before and now we'll see if they're going to get there."
It seems unlikely the Saints will do that in time for Bush to report to training camp with the team on Thursday in Jackson, Miss. Two sources said that talks between the Saints and agent Joel Segal have been nearly non-existent.
<table align="right" border="0" cellpadding="1" hspace="10" vspace="5"> <tbody><tr> <td><script type="text/javascript">if (window.yzq_a == null) document.write("<scr" + "ipt type=text/javascript src=""http://us.js2.yimg.com/us.js.yimg.com/lib/bc/bc_1.7.3.js></scr" + "ipt>"); </script><script type="text/javascript"> if (window.yzq_a) { yzq_a('p', 'P=8MDal86.I.YNi5CNRL1PPQzZSoY85ETBs9sAAo30&T=13rb4sbe6%2fX%3d1153545179%2fE%3d97542380%2fR%3dsports%2fK%3d5%2fV%3d1.1%2fW%3d8%2fY%3dYAHOO%2fF%3d1708853186%2fS%3d1%2fJ%3dAEE78E44'); yzq_a('a', '&U=139r80slc%2fN%3dMI07A9ibyhE-%2fC%3d541089.8986680.9760888.1414694%2fD%3dLREC%2fB%3d3848712'); } </script><noscript>
</td> </tr> </tbody></table> On Wednesday, Mike Ornstein, who is Bush's marketing agent, told the Clarion-Ledger of Jackson, Miss., that he didn't think Bush would be signed in time for camp. Ornstein is not allowed to negotiate contracts, but he is acutely aware of all of Bush's business matters.
One of the sources took that a step further, saying Segal was considering not having Bush sign at all. Segal declined to comment when contacted Friday and messages left with multiple members of the New Orleans organization weren't returned.
While it appears unlikely on face value that Bush would sit out, he appears well-positioned to do so if he really wants.
Bush supposedly has more than $5 million in the bank from multiple endorsement deals Ornstein has negotiated since Bush left the University of Southern California. That money is guaranteed regardless of whether Bush plays this season.
Next, Bush could probably sit out 2006 and still be a high pick next year.
Furthermore, Bush probably has the public sentiment running in his favor. Even though holdout players are generally unpopular, Bush has caused tremendous excitement in New Orleans.
In May, shortly after Bush was drafted, the Saints had already set a franchise record for season-ticket sales, having topped 55,000 at that time. That's extraordinary, especially considering the condition of the hurricane-ravaged city.
Moreover, team owner Tom Benson is immensely unpopular in New Orleans. Ranging from his hard-line negotiations with the city and state to constant threats that he will move the team, Benson is often treated with open scorn by Saints fans.
Bush has also worked hard to endear himself to fans in the city after it came out that he didn't want to play in New Orleans. Bush has made multiple donations to hurricane relief.
Jason Cole is an NFL writer for Yahoo! Sports.
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Reggie Bush the holdout

So it looks like Reggie's officially holding out


Kind of a jerk move if you ask me. Wasn't this the same guy who was saying a few months ago that he would never hold out and that he wouldn't do that to the city of New Orleans? Now he's threatening to sit out the entire season and re-enter the draft. Classy move, Reggie. Can't say I'm surprised, though.
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So it looks like Reggie's officially holding out


Kind of a jerk move if you ask me. Wasn't this the same guy who was saying a few months ago that he would never hold out and that he wouldn't do that to the city of New Orleans? Now he's threatening to sit out the entire season and re-enter the draft. Classy move, Reggie. Can't say I'm surprised, though.

Why are you not surprised? What exactly made you think it was a given that this would happen? Besides it's not like it's been weeks that he has been holding out it's been a day, and considering how many deals have gotten done the last day and two I wouldn't be surprised if Bush is in camp by Monday. Cut the kid a little slack before to decide to crucify him
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So it looks like Reggie's officially holding out


Kind of a jerk move if you ask me. Wasn't this the same guy who was saying a few months ago that he would never hold out and that he wouldn't do that to the city of New Orleans? Now he's threatening to sit out the entire season and re-enter the draft. Classy move, Reggie. Can't say I'm surprised, though.

How would you feel if you were one of the record amount of Saint's fans that went out and purchased season tickets after the draft? That would suck ass if he never plays a down this year. Way to go Reggie
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Why are you not surprised?

Cut the kid a little slack before to decide to crucify him

In response to your question, I am surprised b/c of his earlier statement. If someone says that he respects a city and its fans enough, especially in light of what they have gone through recently, to not hold out, I expect him to be a man of his word. Guess you don't feel the same way...

In response to your statement, I don't think he deserves to be cut any slack in this situation. You act as if he never said anything one way or the other regarding holding out. If he would have remained silent the whole time and then decided to hold out, that's his business. I have a problem, however, when he tries to pass himself off as this great guy that would never hold out b/c he realizes what he means to the city of New Orleans (in a statment that was widely publicized, I might add). Then later he does exactly what he said he wouldn't do; what's worse, he threatens to re-enter the draft next season. That is a disgusting, pathetic series of moves on his part, IMO.
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In response to your question, I am surprised b/c of his earlier statement. If someone says that he respects a city and its fans enough, especially in light of what they have gone through recently, to not hold out, I expect him to be a man of his word. Guess you don't feel the same way...

In response to your statement, I don't think he deserves to be cut any slack in this situation. You act as if he never said anything one way or the other regarding holding out. If he would have remained silent the whole time and then decided to hold out, that's his business. I have a problem, however, when he tries to pass himself off as this great guy that would never hold out b/c he realizes what he means to the city of New Orleans (in a statment that was widely publicized, I might add). Then later he does exactly what he said he wouldn't do; what's worse, he threatens to re-enter the draft next season. That is a disgusting, pathetic series of moves on his part, IMO.

As of Wednesday, the Saints had not even made Bush a formal offer. The Saints and Bush didn't even start serious negotiations until yesterday, so how can you bag Bush for missing the first day of camp?

But, yes, it must all be Bush's fault:roll2:. Only he should be bound to his promises, not the Saints. Their promise to him to pay him #1 money? Eh, will just give them a pass because we hate all things USC.
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In response to your question, I am surprised b/c of his earlier statement. If someone says that he respects a city and its fans enough, especially in light of what they have gone through recently, to not hold out, I expect him to be a man of his word. Guess you don't feel the same way...

In response to your statement, I don't think he deserves to be cut any slack in this situation. You act as if he never said anything one way or the other regarding holding out. If he would have remained silent the whole time and then decided to hold out, that's his business. I have a problem, however, when he tries to pass himself off as this great guy that would never hold out b/c he realizes what he means to the city of New Orleans (in a statment that was widely publicized, I might add). Then later he does exactly what he said he wouldn't do; what's worse, he threatens to re-enter the draft next season. That is a disgusting, pathetic series of moves on his part, IMO.

Can you show me the story where he is qouted as saying that he might re-enter the draft? There was a story on yahoo sports saying it was possible, but that story was pretty much thrown out the window as soon as it was published. How do you know the Saints ownership didn't try to low ball him on his contract? If that is the case is it still bush's fault? seems to me when he made the comments about wanting to get in to camp he would have been assuming that both sides would be acting in good faith to be sure that the negotiations were fair. If in two weeks he is still holding out and demanding a insane amount of money I will worry about the kids attitude and what kind of person he really is....but missing a few days of camp is something that shouldn't raise red flags
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