Virtually every team has a good player go through something similar to what Bruce is going through.
I tried in vain to listen to the TV broadcast - good God the Reds announcers suck.
During the at-bat where Bruce ended up rolling over into a double play, you would have thought that he had been hitting .400 and leading the league in homers before this slump despite what we all know has been going on. And then when he rolled over on the pitch, whoever the moron doing the play by play couldn't hide his disgust. MAYBE if he and his broadcast buddy hadn't spent the previous 3 minutes blowing smoke up everyone's ass about how good/bad Bruce had been doing previous that at-bat and given a more steady and/or unbiased approach, maybe, just maybe, he could have actually given us something more than whatever he said (I think he said something like Unbelievable - he didn't even describe the actual play)....
I've said it before, but I swear the Reds announcers are required by contract to say something positive or something that is slightly beyond reality about every Reds player either in the field our when they are pitching/batting. It's unnerving.