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Reds Tidbits (2011 Season)

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The way both teams are playing, I fear the Reds may get plunger raped. McClellan has been great so far this year, and Carpenter owns the Reds. I am not sure who is starting the third game for St. Louis (due to a rain out Westbrook isn't starting since he would only be on 3 days rest). It will probably be some reject the Reds have never seen, and therefore will pitch a shutout before returning to obscurity.
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scott91575;1910143; said:
The way both teams are playing, I fear the Reds may get plunger raped. McClellan has been great so far this year, and Carpenter owns the Reds. I am not sure who is starting the third game for St. Louis (due to a rain out Westbrook isn't starting since he would only be on 3 days rest). It will probably be some reject the Reds have never seen, and therefore will pitch a shutout before returning to obscurity.

You left out the part Skip Schumaker/Daniel Descalso imitate Ruth/Gehrig for 3 days before slinking back to their sub 600 OPS ways but other than that I agree.

My only slight ray of hope is that when it seems this bad on paper it usually doesn't happen.

Then again, who the fuck am I kidding, this is the Reds we are talking about. I'd say the plunger raping is most likely.
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LaGenius is starting a bullpen arm instead of McClellan in anticipation of a rain delay.

Welsh & Brantley are the broadcast team on TV. I'm interested to see how this works out. I've heard Welsh do play-by-play on the radio a couple times and he's been solid. My opinion of him has steadily risen since he stopped having to try to mesh with George Grande's goober schtick.
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jlb1705;1910193; said:
LaGenius is starting a bullpen arm instead of McClellan in anticipation of a rain delay.

Welsh & Brantley are the broadcast team on TV. I'm interested to see how this works out. I've heard Welsh do play-by-play on the radio a couple times and he's been solid. My opinion of him has steadily risen since he stopped having to try to mesh with George Grande's goober schtick.

Thats annoying as shit (LaGenius...go figure) but why doesn't Dusty do that? Its not like the first couple innings are kind to EV.

Probably won't matter.
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jlb1705;1910193; said:
LaGenius is starting a bullpen arm instead of McClellan in anticipation of a rain delay.

Welsh & Brantley are the broadcast team on TV. I'm interested to see how this works out. I've heard Welsh do play-by-play on the radio a couple times and he's been solid. My opinion of him has steadily risen since he stopped having to try to mesh with George Grande's goober schtick.

He has to use a bullpen pitcher at some point in this series (they had a double header due to a rain out meaning Westbrook can't start the 3rd game). Better to do it for a game that might be full of rain delays.
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