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Reds Tidbits (2011 Season)

I like listening to the cranky old bastard Marty ripping on Bud Selig and "Ol' Leatherpants". :lol: He's speculating that Selig might appoint Bowden to run the Dodgers.

I think if your team is insolvent because the owner is Ponzi-scheming futures-trading pariah, you should be saddled with a franchise-crippling front office when MLB has to step in.

I think it's bullshit that the Rangers went through bankruptcy proceedings last year and were still able to trade for Cliff Lee, while when the Reds had ownership turmoil back in the day they got stuck with John F. Allen.
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jlb1705;1909721; said:
I like listening to the cranky old bastard Marty ripping on Bud Selig and "Ol' Leatherpants". :lol: He's speculating that Selig might appoint Bowden to run the Dodgers.

I get the sense from that exchange that Marty still doesn't care much for Bowden. :rofl:
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Not a save situation, and Cordero hasn't been given a chance to contribute to the Reds run of suckitude. He probably wants in on the action. This one's ORANGE...

Nevermind. HR to lead off the inning. Cordero Alert is RED.

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jlb1705;1909741; said:
Not a save situation, and Cordero hasn't been given a chance to contribute to the Reds run of suckitude. He probably wants in on the action. This one's ORANGE...

Nevermind. HR to lead off the inning. Cordero Alert is RED.


You don't have anything more than "Severe"?

I'd like to see threat level Black - "Imminent"
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