Time to see what this team is made of. Votto out indefinitely with a sprained wrist and Cabrera out with an apparent back or rib-cage injury. I know people aren't high on Cabrera's bat, but there's no question that every guy on this team cites him as one of the reasons why they're better this year. Hope Janish is as improved at the plate as everyone thinks he is.
Another note, Mr. Redlegs (via Twitter) hinted that Dickerson is not a sure thing coming back. He is deep in Dusty's doghouse because he does some boneheaded things (misplaying fly balls, walking into locked revolving doors, that sort of thing) despite all indications he's a highly intelligent, thoughtful, well spoken guy. Dusty's doghouse might as well be a Vietnamese POW camp.
Gomes, Stubbs, and Bruce were flat awful in July, but Dusty is fiercely loyal, and this is the lineup that got them this far. Rumbling seems to be that Dusty won't shake up the chemistry to accommodate Dickerson for 12 days before he goes and injures himself again carrying his luggage into a hotel.
Also, what is the difference between Russ Springer and Stormy Weathers, seriously?