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RB Roderick Smith (Official Thread)

ScriptOhio;1775619; said:
Yeah, both Drew Basil and Smith have the same number (#24). If the special teams play was an Ohio State kickoff it couldn't have been Smith since basil was kicking off. A team is not allowed to have two players with same number on the field at the same time. However, an announcer could have goofed when he looked on his Ohio State (i.e saying it was Smith in lieu of Basil) to identify who #24 was.
Good catch and explanation.
Rod Smith also wasn't listed in the participation list either.
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ScriptOhio;1775619; said:
Yeah, both Drew Basil and Smith have the same number (#24). If the special teams play was an Ohio State kickoff it couldn't have been Smith since basil was kicking off. A team is not allowed to have two players with same number on the field at the same time. However, an announcer could have goofed when he looked on his Ohio State roster (i.e saying it was Smith in lieu of Basil) to identify who #24 was.

I believe the PA announcer also said that Andrew Miller made a tackle on a kickoff Saturday. One would think that the PA announcer should know enough of what's going on with the team to realize that Newsome was the #55 making the tackle on kickoff coverage, rather than an O-lineman. But there are a couple of instances like that almost every week.
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BB73;1776325; said:
I believe the PA announcer also said that Andrew Miller made a tackle on a kickoff Saturday. One would think that the PA announcer should know enough of what's going on with the team to realize that Newsome was the #55 making the tackle on kickoff coverage, rather than an O-lineman. But there are a couple of instances like that almost every week.

If the stadium PA announcer is (Sep 2000-Present,) Bob Kennedy - PA Announcer, he has been doing it for 10 years now. In addition (if you GOOGLE) his name you find out that he actually conducts numerous clinics on PA announcing. You would think a guy like that be familiar with the home team's names/numbers and not make those "stupid mistakes".

P.S. I'm sure the parents of the player that made the play and not given credit for it on the PA announcement are not pleased. :biggrin:
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Smith waiting his turn at OSU
staff reports
Tuesday, 28 September 2010


COLUMBUS ? Roderick Smith of Fort Wayne Paul Harding High School has been practicing with The Ohio State University Buckeyes for two weeks now.

He was delayed practice time due to summer school classes and the NCAA permitting him entrance into OSU. Smith thus far, has been impressive in practices and looks forward to some playing time come Saturdays.

?I am enjoying being part of this great team and just trying to do what I can to make up time I missed this summer and during Fall Camp,? Smith said Saturday.

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