Cae to be presentd to the Grand Jury
I do not claim to be in the know as to what's happening in MoC's case. However, the docket entry of "dismissal" at the municpal court level does not necessarily mean that the case is over, it just means that the municpal court is no longer dealing with the matter.
Other ohio courts regularly employ a "direct indictment" system. A defendant is arrested, arraigned, bonded and set for a preliminary hearing. Under the rules of criminal procedue, the State is obligated to demonstrate probable cause, i.e., testimony and evidence that would indicate that a crime probably occurred and that the particular defendant is the perpetrator. If the State is successful, the matter is then "bound over" to the county grand jury (regulated by the court of common pleas and otherwise controlled by the county prosecutor's office).
Courts and prosecutors have moved away from preliminary hearings, skipping that step so as to avoid having to bring in witnesses. Instead, prosecutors employ other methods of gaining an indictment. The municpal case may or may not be dismissed. In the meantime, the county prosecutor merely will schedule a session with the grand jury, and present the charges directly without bothering with the preliminary hearing. This is permissable under Ohio Rules of Criminal Procedue.
That's more information than you probably want to know. The bottom line is that I don't think you have heard the last of these charges.