Yes, but when a boy becomes a man after dragging both Columbus and OSU through the mud, there comes a limit.
If you know anything about Tressels backround, along with his dad, you would understand why Im very suprised Tress has continued to interact with Clarett (up untill a few weeks ago even). Tressels father, as well as Jim, always admired Ohio State and loved to watch the games. They were born are raised in Ohio, both got their degrees in Ohio, while playing football for Ohio. So to them, Ohio is more than a state - its a backdrop to your life. It is one of the msot important and beloved things to them. Reading about Jims mother, you will see that she loved the community so much that she could have been (as quoted) the mayor of the town. Now, I understand, Tressel (like Woody) has a degree in teaching and the last thing a teacher will do is give up on a person. But there comes a time when you must let go of a person that is not willing to change on his own.
It seems even with a contract to play NFL Europe, Clarett didnt care about righting wrongs, or straighting out his life. Why should Troy Smith and Jim Tressel continue to bother with a person that wants nothing more in life than attention (be it good attention or bad)? Its not helping our city of Columbus, which is the most important, and it surely isnt helping the OSU program.