I actually do have a couple of problems with our recruiting, and it has nothing to do with Tressel. In fact, the problems I do have extended way before the Tressel regime:
1. Ohio State has never consistently recruited great Quarterbacks. Do we get a Zwick or a Germaine or a Schlister every few years or so? Yes. But the lag in between has hurt this program immeasurably, as its difficult to maintain Top 5 or Top 10 status with Steve Bellisaris and Stanley Jacksons at the helm. scUM oversigns QBs in its classes, and is always able to produce a quality QB because of it - while some will always be busts, someone in a large QB pool will emerge. Its a big reason why they've had the edge over OSU the past twenty seasons: scUM reloads at QB with Harbaugh, Grbac, Griese, Brady, Henson, and Navarre, while we have our ups and downs. They've been a constant, and we've been volatile. I'd like to see that change. The view of OSU as a run-first school 100 years ago is the same view that kids have now. We need to get a steady stream of QB talent into the program under Tressel.
2. OSU has had problems recruiting Offensive Linemen for the past eight to ten seasons. This is inexcusable. We've had hundreds of great Offensive Linemen in this program, a rich tradition in college and NFL, and three of the greatest to ever play college football in Pace, Parker, and Hicks. This program should produce top offensive line talent and have one of the Top 10 OLs in the country year in and year out. Its embarassing how much of a discrepancy dUMb has had over us in this area recently.