It's a lot to take on as a kid. In high school, you're on your way to a GOAT and NFL record-breaking career. You land a place at a top program and can't crack the starting lineup. You're convinced that your 10 for 10 should have showed everyone you deserve it, even if Haskins went 18 for 18 on his last throws in the game. You remonstrate until they give you your own package, but you can blame the line for that. You transfer to Miami and, now, they will see your brilliance. Except they don't. You may not even be the second best QB on the roster. And now, the certain dream comes crashing down all around you. People who don't know you are talking trash about you. Your bravado has created the perfect storm because you couldn't deliver. And you realize that maybe, just maybe, it is you.
I wouldn't want to be this kid right now. If he gets his head right, he can still be a huge success in life, but he will have to master Humility 101 from the Cliff Notes and do it fast. Take the longer term view, kid. Choose to win a different way.