“That’s typically what you get when you have someone here for multiple years,” Day said. “The first year they’re trying to learn the offense, they’re trying to figure out how to make it work, the ins and the outs.
“Then when they become fluent in the language, they start to learn the why. Again, the first year it’s like: ‘What am I doing?’ The second year it’s usually: ‘Why am I doing it?’”
The head coach welcomes the give and take.
“He’s trying to figure out why we do things,” Day said. “We’re getting to the point now where when he hears a call, he knows what I’m thinking. He knows what Kevin Wilson is thinking.
“That’s really, really important. That’s when you can take it to the next level.”
Fields plans to keep on asking. He knows his relationship in particular with Day, who coached quarterbacks for two years in the NFL before moving to Ohio State as an assistant in 2017 and then to head coach last year, is valuable beyond measure.
“I think Coach Day is the best quarterbacks coach in the country,” Fields said. “I might be biased … but I just think he is just one smart guy, and I’ve learned so much from him.
“I plan on learning a lot more.”
Just sayin': (The first year it’s like: ‘What am I doing?’ The second year it’s usually: ‘Why am I doing it?’”) Wouldn't it be great to see Justin Fields come back next year and see what the third year question is?....