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QB Antonio Henton (transfer to Ga. Southern and FT. Valley St.)

I enjoyed his tapes, he seemed to like to pull it down alot in those videos. I would suspect though that those were some of his more dazzling individual plays. He looks very poised in the pocket and runs fairly well. Probably my favorite clip is him scrambling left and staying behind the line to find a reciever downfield. That is difficult for some and he did it very well. He showed some nice zip on the ball over the middle and touch over the top. This young man appears to have been coached up well. I feel he'll be a good one in the near future.
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Ok i just got done watching some of Henton's Videos, this guy is a faster and quicker version of our troy smith. I think smith has the better arm, but henton's arm strength will develop. This guy just needs to be coached, i cant wait to see this guy take the field as a buckeye. our big ten opponents arent gonna be happy when the see henton and chris wells take the field. let the great recruits keep flowing in, go buckeyes
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Ok i just got done watching some of Henton's Videos, this guy is a faster and quicker version of our troy smith. I think smith has the better arm, but henton's arm strength will develop. This guy just needs to be coached, i cant wait to see this guy take the field as a buckeye. our big ten opponents arent gonna be happy when the see henton and chris wells take the field. let the great recruits keep flowing in, go buckeyes

funny, I watched the same video and think that Smith is much quicker and more elusive as a runner, but Henton does seem to have a cannon for an arm...maybe even on par with Troy's, although I think being a few years older Troy is able to throw the deep ball with a lot more touch. But I think the escapability is what Antonio will need to improve on at the next level to be anywhere near as good as Troy Smith has become. Let's remember, Troy Smith is a 2006 Heisman contender...Antonio Henton is still waiting for his senior prom.
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I thought the same thing as well wad. He has good mobility, but is not quite as dynamic with his feet as troy. On the other hand, he is extremely poised and may have an arm to match Troy's (quite a feat, tho his arm was incredible last year at the summer camp when I was taking pics... he put the QB recruit controversy to rest immediately). I am excited about his development in the S&G, especially since he may not be thrust into action for a while with our St. X gunslinger at the helm.
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I thought the same thing as well wad. He has good mobility, but is not quite as dynamic with his feet as troy. On the other hand, he is extremely poised and may have an arm to match Troy's (quite a feat, tho his arm was incredible last year at the summer camp when I was taking pics... he put the QB recruit controversy to rest immediately). I am excited about his development in the S&G, especially since he may not be thrust into action for a while with our St. X gunslinger at the helm.

my thoughts exactly...similar arm but not nearly the feet...yet.
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Henton will be the best QB will ever have. There is a good article on him at www.rivals.com. glad he chose OSU!

That is one bold statement, considering at the moment he might only be looking at one full year of pt.

I agree he could be a stud and I agree with Wad's assesment, but I would just like to add one thing in comparing him to Smith. Neither of them take big shots. when Smith gets taken to ground he isnt getting smashed to the ground he is only giving half of his body which helps him stay healthy. Much like Henton.

It will be fun to watch the offense change and then change back to what we are seeing now. b/c Boeckman/Robbie arent going to be running the option anytime soon(unless Butch gets them running 4.5 40's.:biggrin: ) and then when Henton gets the job he will be able to run the option.
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Well, i guess best QB is too extreme, i mean if u read about this guy he sounds like he could be a troy smith / vince young combined, which is good, but he could end up like a few players that were suppose to be hot shots and turned out to play in the 4th quarter.
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I dont think robby will need to rely on his legs, im looking forward to seeing his arm in action.

Im with everyone else in that i dont know about calling him the best quarterback we will ever have. Hopefully troy will put that argument to rest this year.

In the video's i've seen i have to agree with wad, his arm looks solid buts he's not a vince young/troy smith im gonna pull it down and do it with my legs at this level yet. Give him some time, if he can develop anywhere close to the rate of a troy smith i wont complain.
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