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QB Antonio Henton (transfer to Ga. Southern and FT. Valley St.)

This game wasn't even that close. LaGrange's first TD came on a bomb on 3rd and long, after the QB crossed over the line of scrimmage by like five yards. Their 2nd and final TD came as a direct result of two separate 15-yard personal fouls on what would have been 3rd down stops (penalties accounted for 35 of the drive's 60 yards).


Peach County 35, LaGrange 17
Associated Press

ATLANTA - Mareo Howard ran for 196 yards and a touchdown and Antonio Henton accounted for four scores to lead Peach County to a 35-17 victory over LaGrange in the Class AAA state semifinals on Saturday.

The Trojans (11-3), who ended LaGrange's two-year reign as state champs, will face the winner of the Dougherty-Shaw game for the title next week.

Peach County's defense dominated the Grangers (10-4) in the third quarter allowing minus-8 total yards, while Henton had two straight touchdown throws on ensuing possessions.

Henton connected with Duranzo Brown on a 23-yard touchdown. Then Chris Slaughter caught a 10-yard touchdown from Henton - a few plays after Slaughter picked off a Travis Tucker pass.

Brown rushed seven times for 74 yards for Peach County. Henton ran for 84 yards with his two touchdowns on the ground.

In the second quarter, Peach County was charged with two penalties that accounted for 20 yards kept a LaGrange drive alive, resulting in a 1-yard touchdown by Travis Tucker. That gave the Grangers a 17-14 lead.

But Peach County regained a 4-point edge three minutes later just before halftime on Howard's 15-yard scoring run, giving them momentum in the second half. Howard finished with 23 carries.

Tucker, who completed 10-of-16 passes for 152 yards, ran for 47 yards in the loss. Mario Poythress caught three passes for 102, including a 53-yard touchdown catch from Tucker in the first half.

Bernard Heard had 22 yards rushing on 14 carries for LaGrange.
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Well I am finally back from the Dome and let me tell ya....Mr Henton was the talk of the Dome today. Im sure most of you were able to watch on the computer but let me tell you....he was that much better in person. This is the 3rd time I have seen this kid and there is no doubt that we are getting the top QB in the state of Georgia and one of the best from the south. I was told by one of my buddies (who is a coach) that Coach Haynes was there watching him, because he met him and they talked for a little bit. Well, I assumed it was him cause he said the guy had a shaved head? Some of the guys I went with have played major college ball, including my best friend who played at Georgia in the 80's. My other buddy was the Qb for Georgia back in the 60's. These guys know their shit.. By the end of the game, every one of the them said the same thing..."This kid is a stud"!! We all agreed that Ohio State stole a great talent from this state and I believe we have something to look forward too in the future.

Arm Strength-great arm and he can make every throw that you need to at the next level. Throws a tight spiral and what I love about him is he knows how to set his feet. Does a good job of not throwing off the back foot. He gets every thing out of the throw. First play of the game he tried to throw a 15 yard out to slaughter and over threw it a little bit but make no mistake that ball had some serious juice on it....

Accuracy-needs work obviously and what high school qb doesn't. Same thing with footwork but he is better off than most of the top qb's in the nation when it comes to footwork. But he put the throws on target 90% of the time today and i counted around 4 or 5 drop balls. Follow through is very nice, no recoil what so ever. His release is good. He gets rid of it quick and with power.

Decision Making-I thought it was great. Obviously on the computer you would think he was scrambling to much but really it was because Lagrange was playing 2 men deep and doubling Slaughter about the whole game. His scrambling was not because of his lack of reading or going through his progressions but rather the defense playing deep and he made them pay for that. He threw into double coverage maybe 1 or 2 to slaughter but they were not that bad of throws and slaughter nearly had them beat anyways. Peach had great success running today because Lagrange was not going to let them win by throwing.

Leadership-this is the thing i looked for the most today. This kid showed me alot by his actions today. Peach is a very arrogant team in a way. The kids love to show boat and talk smack but Mr. Henton did not. You didn't see him jumping around after the game or acting like a dumbass. He shook hands and walked off the field. He had complete control of the offense and he even pulled one of his teammates aside and got into his ear after a all most personal foul call.

Speed-this kid is faster than what I was expecting. Good moves but like most qb's he has a habit of holding the ball like a loaf of bread. Really surprised on the speed thing!!

Guys, Im pumped about this kid. Another thing that stood out to me was his ability to freeze the safety. On one of the pass plays the hot route was a slant or fade i can't remember. Anyways he knew exactly where he wanted to go but did not look that way until the last minute, he froze the safety in coverage by the direction he was looking. Amazing!! Seems so simple but its tough to find high schools kids that can do that...

Im not going to say this kid is going to better than Troy Smith and all that crap. But watching him today and watching every buckeye game this year I sat there in awe because he really does look like Troy out there. But I do think he will fit Tressel's system very well and his reputation among other coaches is that he is very humble and a leader. If this kid gets stronger and studies hard then we are looking at the future at Ohio State!! You can take that to the bank!!
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Well thank you and yes...This kid is impressive. Over the last 5 or 6 years I have seen my share of some of the best the Peach State has to offer. I am just as excited about Henton as I was with Darius Walker. Both guys have that "it" factor and you can see it on the field. I recently saw the Kianta Tripp kid and his teammate? It is the kid that just commited to Notre Damn is the other one I am talking about. Those boys have the physical look no doubt but there is something about them that doesn't grab my attention.

There is a kid also at my alma mater that I wish the bucks could take a look at. His name is Kendrick Lewis and I believe Rivals has him at like #37 wideout or something like that but this kid is a stud. He came from New Orleans after the hurricane hit and his stock is soaring. Everyone talks about how the Slaughter kid is the best wideout but Lewis is equal to him in my eyes. Great hands and has that "it" factor. Reminds me a little bit of the wideout Georgia got this past year Muhammed Massiuque, who i saw too. Decent speed and but knows how to go get the ball. Played only 10 games because of him transfering from New Olreans and had around 950 yards receiving and 10 touchdowns...And that is in the Wing-T offense!!
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Henton/Slaughter duo

Macon Telegraph - Robyn Disney - 11/26/05

FORT VALLEY - Antonio Henton and Chris Slaughter have been playing football together since they were 5 years old on the streets of this small community.
But it's taken a long time for the duo to perfect their ball-slinging, high-flying routine, which fans can see during Peach County High School games.
So far this season, Henton has thrown for 1,826 yards and 25 touchdowns. His best friend Slaughter also is his No. 1 target, catching the ball for 1,282 yards and 21 touchdowns.
"I feel comfortable with him back there," Henton said. "I know I can throw it and he'll come down with it. He does a great job running routes and even if I can't see him, I know he'll be there."
Henton and Slaughter take their show to the Georgia Dome today to face LaGrange in the GHSA Class AAA semifinals.
The Georgia Dome is a far cry from where the two football stars started playing ball.
"We used to play in the streets in the projects," said Slaughter, who lives five blocks away from Henton. "Sometimes we'd play on a vacant lot. It hurt if you got tackled. You could fall on glass or something. But we'd never play on the same team. The kids would say where we were the team captains and we'd have to pick our team."
Both boys moved their football talents to a better field, the one at Peach County High, as members of the Fort Valley Middle School team. But while Slaughter was catching passes, they weren't coming from Henton. He was getting playing time as an offensive lineman.
"We had a different coach when we were in seventh grade," Henton said. "But when we got in eighth grade, I finally got to try out for quarterback and that's when it started."
It was in middle school that high school coach Rance Gillespie started noticing the duo.
"We thought they had a lot of talent at that point," Gillespie said. "As they came over and they started contributing on the ninth-grade team. Then both of them started as 10th graders."
But again, Henton was not the one supplying Slaughter with the football. At the time, A.J. Bryant was the quarterback on the way to sharing Middle Georgia Player of the Year honors. So Henton, who was Bryant's backup, started at receiver.
"It was helpful first being behind such a great quarterback," Henton said. "Then I was also getting time as a receiver, which as a quarterback gives me a perspective of what a receiver has do to the catch the ball."
The 2004 season started with Scott Caraway and Henton in a two-quarterback rotation. But as the season wore on, Henton emerged the starter. He managed to throw for nearly 1,500 yards during the regular season, but his season ended with an ankle injury, which is where this one also started.
"It was hard when he was hurt," Slaughter said. "He wanted so bad to help us. He always wanted to be on the field but he really needed time to heal."
All healed after the third game, the Henton-to-Slaughter show really began.
"We've had so much fun this season," Henton said. "It's fitting that we're doing well because this is our senior year. This is how we want to go out."
They still like playing against each other, though. This time through video games.
Henton readily admits that Slaughter beats him in Madden every time. Slaughter controls the Philadelphia Eagles (with Terrell Owens) while Henton, "plays every team you can imagine trying to beat me," Slaughter said.
But this season is the last time the duo will play football on the same team. During the summer, Henton verbally committed to Ohio State, leaving many to suspect Slaughter would follow. But Slaughter has decided to go to Auburn.
"I'm going to try to make it to as many of his games as possible," Slaughter said. "If I can't make it, I'll tape it. I'll definitely be watching him."
Henton said the departure adds an extra urgency to winning a state title.
"We're seniors, so this is our last chance," Henton said. "When you accomplish things, you want your friend there. We'll do it together."
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I think it was $. All that matters in my eyes is that he is considered fully qualified, but yes 920 isn't a great score with the new test. HH said it was a great score considering what his first score was. That makes me wonder if his score was that low how he was offered but guys like Cumberland and Gibson weren't yet? Probably was to do with core GPA. Whatever, good to hear he will be qualified.
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I think it was $. All that matters in my eyes is that he is considered fully qualified, but yes 920 isn't a great score with the new test. HH said it was a great score considering what his first score was. That makes me wonder if his score was that low how he was offered but guys like Cumberland and Gibson weren't yet? Probably was to do with core GPA. Whatever, good to hear he will be qualified.

That's why I'm saying I would like to know his score because if he really got a 950 and is qualified, then guys like Mark Johnson (1350) and Thad Gibson should be able to qualify rather easily.
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