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I come from behind enemy lines (PSU), but I love your site. The sub-forum where you have all your 2008 targets is great. It's so simple, I don't know why my forum doesn't do it. I'll definitely be suggesting it, giving credit to you guys for the idea. We have many of the same targets, so it's very useful. I just read today on my site that Andrew Sweat is favoring you guys, that's a tough one to take. Have a good one all.
Thanks for the props. Just to clarify, threads are moved to/from the '08 subforum based on their/osu's interest.

Buckeye Recruiting forum - All actively interested/pursued recruits
- 2008 Recruiting subforum - Interest/pursuit is low (eventually all recruits end up here)

After NLOID, the non-LOIs get moved to the '08 forum, the signed prospects are moved to the Buckeyes forum... and we start all over.
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A.C.TropGuy;801581; said:
I come from behind enemy lines (PSU), but I love your site. The sub-forum where you have all your 2008 targets is great. It's so simple, I don't know why my forum doesn't do it. I'll definitely be suggesting it, giving credit to you guys for the idea. We have many of the same targets, so it's very useful. I just read today on my site that Andrew Sweat is favoring you guys, that's a tough one to take. Have a good one all.

Welcome to BuckeyePlanet and thanks for the kind words. What is your site, if I may ask?

FWIW, this thread probably belongs in the recruiting forums, as that is what you are commenting on. Ah heck, it's the off season (for football) and we've got a big game to focus on tonight. Someone else can move it if they are so inclined.
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A.C.TropGuy;801581; said:
I come from behind enemy lines (PSU), but I love your site. The sub-forum where you have all your 2008 targets is great. It's so simple, I don't know why my forum doesn't do it. I'll definitely be suggesting it, giving credit to you guys for the idea. We have many of the same targets, so it's very useful. I just read today on my site that Andrew Sweat is favoring you guys, that's a tough one to take. Have a good one all.

Welcome! Love to get insight from other fans of other teams, especially from other Big 10 Schools. Hope you make this a regular stop and look forward to some quality athletics discussions with you.
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BP is my number 1 site too!
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Welcome Tropguy, and certainly don't be a stranger. To most of us here on "BP," PSU is really not an enemy. Rival? Absolutely. But there is a respect for your program and University that doesn't exist with everybody. PLUS, there's the Adam Talifarro thing. The fact that Adam was injured here, and the great cooperation that occurred between Medical folks from both Universities that allowed him to recover from his devastating injury has sort of "bonded" our two schools forever. Couple that with the encouragement that our Tyson Gentry has received from Adam throughout his recovery period, and again it adds up to "Mega-Respect" between our schools.

To me, A Good PSU fan is welcome here anytime. Peace.
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