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problem with internet explorer

This is probably a discussion for another thread, but....The problem is, half the internet may display differently (or badly, or wrong) on Firefox, but the reason is not that it's a bad browser. The reason is that it reads the HTML more strictly according to the w3c standards. IE is still very relaxed about all the web standards out there (especially CSS).

But that isnt the Internet's fault now is it? :biggrin:

Flash doesnt work quite right on Firefox, Java doesnt either.........and it also seems to be slower than ass. Just not my brand of tea. Reminds me alot of Netscape actually.
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But that isnt the Internet's fault now is it? :biggrin:

Flash doesnt work quite right on Firefox, Java doesnt either.........and it also seems to be slower than ass. Just not my brand of tea. Reminds me alot of Netscape actually.
well, it SHOULD remind you Netscape, because it's an open sourse which is based on Netscape code.

Flash works fine on Firefox, and Java does as well. in fact, i have a easier time watching vids and such on YouTube or Google video using Firefox than IE. half the time IE won't load the whole page up, and i have to refresh like 3 times.

besides, tabbed browsing RAWKS!!!
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Flash works fine on Firefox, and Java does as well.

I did use firefox for a while, and had problems with both. I have been doing alot of web design, and Firefox just about always refuses to display em correctly.

Kinda like linux, the possibility is there, the Open Source is there, but it just doesnt work well enough for my taste :biggrin:

Whatever though, no point in fighting over web browsers.

Macs still lick my balls though :)
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I did use firefox for a while, and had problems with both. I have been doing alot of web design, and Firefox just about always refuses to display em correctly.

Kinda like linux, the possibility is there, the Open Source is there, but it just doesnt work well enough for my taste :biggrin:

Whatever though, no point in fighting over web browsers.

Macs still lick my balls though :)

Every time I think about a Mac I see it sitting on a sunny desk with lots of windows and flowers and smiley faces everywhere. With something like an "I love my Bug" bumper sticker on the wall. Macs are for happy [strike]homos[/strike] (heterosexually challenged)!
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Every time I think about a Mac I see it sitting on a sunny desk with lots of windows and flowers and smiley faces everywhere. With something like an "I love my Bug" bumper sticker on the wall. Macs are for happy [strike]homos[/strike] (heterosexually challenged)!

I could post an answer to that but it would end up in the trash can of the Romper Room :wink2:
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This is probably a discussion for another thread, but....The problem is, half the internet may display differently (or badly, or wrong) on Firefox, but the reason is not that it's a bad browser. The reason is that it reads the HTML more strictly according to the w3c standards. IE is still very relaxed about all the web standards out there (especially CSS).
The technical term for this phenomena is "embrace, extend, and extinguish." :wink2:
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