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problem with internet explorer


I heart Wendy Peffercorn
My 3 year old was visiting some of "his sites" yesterday and kind of made a mess of things as far as the internet. Oddly enough, I have been able to fix the larger issues. One thing that I cannot figure out is the address bar. It will not recognized typed URLs. I can pull down previously visited addresses and use favorites and it works great. However, if I want to visit a new site then I have to go through a search engine to get a link.

Ideas other than starting from scratch (i have an extensive favorites list used for teaching my classes).

Also changing browsers is not an option (those with wives will understand that change is bad!)

Thanks in advance
If you have windows xp you could always just use the recovery feature and step things back to before the accident. Go to start->All programs->Accessories->system tools-> and then System Restore should be in there. I know that feature has saved my butt a few times.
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If you have windows xp you could always just use the recovery feature and step things back to before the accident. Go to start->All programs->Accessories->system tools-> and then System Restore should be in there. I know that feature has saved my butt a few times.

Would agree with this. There is also a way to completely reinstall IE.......which I can give you the details on. Try the restore first though, fixes alot of problems.
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I "think" that you can save your favorites, by going into the directory and copying the files and moving them temp to another folder on your computer.

If you that works, next delete and re-install Internet Explorer. Then move your favorites back into the proper directory.

That would save your favorites.
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If you that works, next delete and re-install Internet Explorer. Then move your favorites back into the proper directory.

It is not that simple. Backing up the favorites, yeah, that is easy........but you cannot just delete and reinstall IE if you are using XP. You can delete the whole thing, but you have to actually install it from the XP cd, which can be done, but isnt very simple. Hence why it was suggested to try the restore first.
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My 3 year old was visiting some of "his sites" yesterday and kind of made a mess of things as far as the internet. Oddly enough, I have been able to fix the larger issues. One thing that I cannot figure out is the address bar. It will not recognized typed URLs. I can pull down previously visited addresses and use favorites and it works great. However, if I want to visit a new site then I have to go through a search engine to get a link.

Ideas other than starting from scratch (i have an extensive favorites list used for teaching my classes).

Also changing browsers is not an option (those with wives will understand that change is bad!)

Thanks in advance

Does it return any error messages? Can you explain in further detail the behavior when you try and type an address?
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Does it return any error messages? Can you explain in further detail the behavior when you try and type an address?

Its just nonresponsive. No error messages. Its weird, everything works- It just ignores and doesnt try to find the address that I type in bar. I have to use a search engine or my favorites to navigate.

I havent messed with it since my orignal message.
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Hope you remember to patch it up AGAIN :) just released
Yeah, that took all of 10 seconds with the recently added auto-update feature, since I had to close the browser for the changes to take effect.

I suppose I would be better off with IE releasing their major security flaw patches a few weeks late (how many have they released in the last week or so... two?), having to manually download them, and then restart my whole system so I can await the next big flaw. Much better, right?
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I still view firefox kinda like a mac. It has those couple features that are really nice........yet half the internet doesnt work correctly on it.


Yeah, that took all of 10 seconds with the recently added auto-update feature, since I had to close the browser for the changes to take effect.

I suppose I would be better off with IE releasing their major security flaw patches a few weeks late (how many have they released in the last week or so... two?), having to manually download them, and then restart my whole system so I can await the next big flaw. Much better, right?

No need to download anything manually or restart. I'd rather be sure the updates were applied than rely on my users to do it themselves (which they don't have permissions to do anyways).
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I still view firefox kinda like a mac. It has those couple features that are really nice........yet half the internet doesnt work correctly on it.
This is probably a discussion for another thread, but....The problem is, half the internet may display differently (or badly, or wrong) on Firefox, but the reason is not that it's a bad browser. The reason is that it reads the HTML more strictly according to the w3c standards. IE is still very relaxed about all the web standards out there (especially CSS).
jenkinswoody said:
Also changing browsers is not an option (those with wives will understand that change is bad!)
There is no real learning curve for Firefox. If you imported your IE settings (which there is a wizard for), changed the icon to the IE icon (anyone can walk you through that if need be), and renamed the shortcut to "Internet Explorer," I'd be willing to bet your wife would never notice.
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