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Police/Legal Blotter (stop breaking the law, asshole!)

Remember Kyle Williams? The 5-star linebacker that commited to Iowa but then had to sit out and play for Purdont this year?


<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 border=0><TBODY><TR><TD style="FONT-SIZE: 13px" vAlign=top bgColor=#ffffff height=200 ;>[SIZE=+2]UPDATE: Former football player charged Friday with eight felonies[/SIZE]

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A former Purdue football player implicated in the Nov. 29, attack of one woman has been charged with eight felonies and one misdemeanor.
Kyle D. Williams, 19, of 30-3 Hilltop Drive, is to appear in court on Dec. 16, to face charges related to two assaults near campus and theft of items from former teammates.
The charges filed Friday include: Two charges of attempted rape, two charges of criminal confinement, two charges of battery (one felony, one misdemeanor), two charges of theft, and a single charge of burglary.
The first event that Williams is accused of is an assault reported at 8:47 p.m., on Nov. 29, in the parking lot of a sorority on Hilltop Drive. According to documents filed in court on Friday, the victim in the assault was discovered by a friend. The victim was found unconscious, with a bloody face and had her jeans and underwear pulled down to her knees. The victim suffered a broken nose, a cut inside her lower lip, a bump on her forehead, a cut near her lip, two broken or chipped teeth and had likely been choked.
A second assault that authorities believe Williams was involved in was reported at 10:30 p.m., also on Nov. 29, near the intersection of First and Waldron streets. In that case, the victim said she was attacked from behind and was beaten until a cyclist appeared nearby and the suspect fled. The victim suffered bruises to her forehead, a cut inside her lip, swelling in both eyes, soreness in her neck and jaw, pain in a knee and a chipped tooth.
About 10 minutes after the second attack was reported, a Purdue Police officer observed a suspect who matched the description of the attacker. The officer followed the suspect, later identified as Williams, from near Cary Quadrangle to Tower Drive. The officer thought the suspect was following a woman walking alone and as the suspect got closer to the woman, additional police units were called to the scene.
When talking to Williams, a second officer noticed what appeared to be blood on the sleeve of a coat Williams was wearing. After Williams was taken to the police station, police found what appeared to be blood stains on Williams’ sock hat, headband, sleeve of a shirt and pants.
During the search of Williams’ apartment, police found “a piece of material in the trash that matched one of the eye holes” that police assume was part of a mask used by the attacker. Later, after searching Williams apartment, police found a sleeve cut from a shirt that they believe was a make-shift mask.
In court documents, Williams is quoted as telling police he had assaulted the woman in the sorority parking lot, unzipped her pants and pulled them down to her knees before he “snapped out of it” and fled. Williams told police that he went home, changed his clothes, took his roommate’s letter jacket and left the apartment.
Williams told police, as reported in court documents, that he was looking for a friend to obtain marijuana after the first attack. The friend was to meet Williams later, according to court documents. In the meantime, Williams wandered around when he saw the second woman near Waldron and First streets.
According to court documents, Williams told police he intended to commit a sexual assault on the second woman. When asked if the attacks would have continued after the second assault, Williams, according to court documents, said “probably.”
The first charge of theft involves the taking of a roommate’s letter jacket. The second theft charge relates to the theft of money and a laptop computer from two of Williams’ former teammates. The laptop computer was located in a Joliet, Ill., pawn shop on Dec. 2. The pawn shop computer had the same serial number as the one missing from Williams’ former teammate.
Williams was released from the team on Nov. 16. He was jailed on Nov. 30, the day after the attacks. He posted a $50,000 bond on Dec. 3, and was released from jail. He was then awaiting charges that were filed Friday and is scheduled to appear in court to face the charges on Dec. 16.
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Williams makes the other pervert at TSUN look good in comparison. At least exposing yourself doesn't result in physical harm to your victims.

In fact, the victims in Michigan probably got a good laugh.

Williams should be put away for a LONG time, where he can meet people who enjoy engaging in similar behavior.
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Tragic News Involving a Bruin Kicker & Golfer

Drinking was definitely involved.

<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=750 border=0><TBODY><TR><TD class="" vAlign=top width=560>UCLA kicker arrested for alleged drunken driving and hit-and-run

<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD height=7><SPACER width="1" type="block" height="1"></TD></TR><TR><TD class=yspsctnhdln>UCLA kicker arrested for alleged drunken driving and hit-and-run</TD></TR><TR><TD height=7><SPACER width="1" type="block" height="1"></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD>December 11, 2005
LOS ANGELES (AP) -- UCLA kicker Justin Medlock was arrested for investigation of drunken driving and felony hit-and-run after allegedly leaving the scene of the accident, which left a member of the school's women's golf team seriously injured, authorities said Sunday.
The 22-year-old junior was suspended indefinitely from the team and will not play Dec. 30 in the Sun Bowl, coach Karl Dorrell said Sunday in a statement.
Medlock was driving a 1998 Toyota pickup on the San Diego Freeway about 3 a.m. Saturday with 20-year-old UCLA golfer Hannah Jun in the passenger seat when he hit a call box and the truck flipped over, said Officer Tariq Johnson, a spokesman for the California Highway Patrol.
CHP officers found the truck with only Jun inside, and later found Medlock walking on an Inglewood street about a mile and a half from the scene, Johnson said.
Medlock was arrested Saturday for investigation of driving under the influence resulting in injuries, having a blood alcohol level above 0.8, and felony hit-and-run.
He was released after posting a $10,000 bond. The CHP said Jun was left with "major" spinal cord injuries, but the UCLA statement said she did not require surgery and was expected to make a full recovery. Medlock was the Bruins' No. 1 kicker and second-leading scorer with 89 points.

This is picture of the named golfing girlfriend. Severe spinal injries don't sound good at all.

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Texas player talks to police amid investigation reports
By JIM VERTUNO, AP Sports Writer
December 17, 2005

AUSTIN, Texas (AP) -- Texas cornerback Cedric Griffin has talked with police, a lawyer advising the player said Friday night, amid reports authorities are investigating an alleged assault and a robbery they believe might have been committed by Longhorns athletes.

Police would not identify the suspects, say how many are being investigated or if they are members of the second-ranked Longhorns football team, which is scheduled to play top-ranked Southern California in the Rose Bowl on Jan. 4 for the national title.

Three Austin television stations reported that the suspects are football players. The school said it had talked to the athletes and did not plan any action against them.

According to police, the incidents were an alleged armed robbery with an automatic handgun on Sept. 4 and assault and attempted robbery on Dec. 10. No charges have been filed.

Ken Oden, a lawyer advising Griffin, said the player has talked with police about a Dec. 10 nonviolent "trash talking" incident.

"I do think the notoriety and celebrity because of the big game coming up may be lending more drama to the situation than the facts would justify," Oden said.

Griffin is a senior starter for the second-ranked Longhorns.

Athletic director DeLoss Dodds said the university was surprised police released the allegations and that the school did not plan any action against the athletes.

Although Dodds' prepared statement said the school has talked to two athletes, it did not identify them or what sport they play.

"We have followed up on the rumors that we are hearing and spoken with the two student-athletes who are alleged to be under investigation," Dodds said.

Austin police spokesman Kevin Buchman said his office issued the statement after receiving several inquiries from the media. He said police would not release more information.
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Marcus Randle El booked for battery, likely suspended


MADISON, Wis. -- The brother of Pittsburgh Steelers receiver Antwaan Randle El was arrested and temporarily jailed after a fight over an alleged theft of money, police said.

Wisconsin receiver Marcus Randle El, 19, punched another 19-year-old late Friday night at his home in Madison. The man sustained minor injuries and was treated and released, police said in a statement.

Randle El, a sophomore, was booked on a tentative charge of battery and released from jail, Madison police Sgt. Jim Dexheimer said.

Randle El's status with Wisconsin was not immediately known.

In June, Randle El entered the Dane County district attorney's First Offenders Program after pleading guilty to disorderly conduct for allegedly shoving his girlfriend in March.

He was suspended from the team, but appealed and was allowed to play in the second half of the Badgers' spring practices.

Under Wisconsin's student-athlete discipline policy, players arrested or charged with a violent offense are immediately suspended from competition and practices, but they can appeal for reinstatement.

Message left for the school's athletic department spokesman were not immediately returned.
The Associated Press News Service

Copyright 2004-2005, The Associated Press, All Rights Reserved
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punched another 19-year-old late Friday night at his home in Madison
faces a tentative charge of battery for his alleged role in a fight in a Madison bar
Someone is confused...

Link (free registration)

Randle El arrested after bar fight

Receiver could face suspension

[email protected]

Posted: Dec. 17, 2005

Madison - Wisconsin reserve wide receiver Marcus Randle El was arrested Friday night and faces a tentative charge of battery for his alleged role in a fight in a Madison bar, according to Madison police.
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Randle El, a 19-year-old sophomore from Markham, Ill., had not been suspended by UW officials as of late Saturday. However, a UW spokesperson said the coaching staff was collecting information regarding the incident.

Under the school's student-athlete discipline policy, any athlete arrested for an incident involving violence is automatically suspended from all games and practices.

Randle El was still in Dane County jail as of Saturday night.

This is the second violent incident involving Randle El in the last 10 months. He was arrested and charged with disorderly conduct March 7 for his role in a fight with his girlfriend.

He pleaded guilty June 22 and was placed in the First Offender's Program, with sentencing deferred. His "contract" in the First Offender's Program is to expire June 12, 2006.
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Updated: Dec. 19, 2005, 1:19 PM ET
Littleton arrested for allegedly pushing officer

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<!-- begin text11 div --><TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD vAlign=top><!-- begin leftcol --><!-- template inline -->LAFAYETTE, La. -- Arkansas State linebacker Chris Littleton is expected to play in Tuesday's New Orleans Bowl after being arrested over the weekend on a pair of misdemeanors.
Littleton, 22, of Osceola, was arrested for resisting an officer and battering of a police officer, the Lafayette Parish Sheriff's Department said Monday. The district attorney's office has not yet charged Littleton.
Arkansas State faces Southern Mississippi in the New Orleans Bowl at Lafayette. Indians coach Steve Roberts said Monday morning Littleton would likely play.
"At this time, I have to do what's fair to every individual involved, and especially Chris Littleton," Roberts said. "So at this time, he is still on tap to play."
Littleton, a junior, started Arkansas State's last five games.
Police said a fight broke out on a team bus in Lafayette late Saturday night and the driver pulled the vehicle over and summoned officers.
Lafayette City Marshal Nickey Picard said a Lafayette police officer and a city marshal entered the bus and tried to break up the disturbance. Littleton allegedly pushed a law officer, and then walked away while the officer tried to calm him down, Picard said.
Picard said the officer detected alcohol on Littleton's breath. Picard said the push occurred when the officer bent to pick up a Taser gun that he had dropped, with Littleton allegedly pushing the officer on the elbow.
Littleton was booked into the Lafayette Parish Jail shortly after midnight Sunday and bonded out later Sunday. No one else was arrested.
Roberts said although Littleton was expected to play, the team was still looking into the matter.
"We are aware of the situation with Chris Littleton and have conducted our own investigation and are continuing to do so," Roberts said.


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I gotta tell you that America's coaches never cease to amaze me with the high standards they set. Just look through this thread at the players who get into stuff and the get "punished" by sitting out selected games against creme puffs or "letting the team handle it".

Way to set a moral standard guys. Teach 'em ethics they can use for life!
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<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD class=yspsctnhdln>Wisconsin running back arrested, suspended</TD></TR><TR><TD height=7><SPACER type="block" width="1" height="1"></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD>December 21, 2005

MADISON, Wis. (AP) -- Wisconsin running back Booker Stanley was suspended from the team Wednesday after his arrest for allegedly choking a woman at his apartment.
The suspension could mean the Badgers will be without Stanley when they play Auburn in the Capital One Bowl on Jan. 2 in Orlando, Fla. Reserve Stanley has 69 carries for 340 yards and three touchdowns this season.

The 22-year-old junior could face charges of second-degree reckless endangerment, false imprisonment, two counts of battery and intimidation of a victim, Madison police spokesman Mike Hanson said.

Dane County District Attorney Brian Blanchard said he would consider formal charges in the next few days. Stanley was still in custody Wednesday afternoon.

Stanley allegedly battered and choked a 20-year-old woman early Wednesday, Hanson said. There was no indication that the woman, who had previously been in a relationship with Stanley, sought medical attention.

Stanley was immediately suspended until charges have been addressed by the legal system and the university, according to a statement from the school. He had 248 carries for 873 yards and seven touchdowns in his two previous seasons.
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