Hewlett Harbor Buck
confirmed duke rushed the court after the VTECH game - i bet DICKy V and Coach K forgot about that - i also believe they rushed the court a few times also when beating the tarheels too - however if the cameron loosers did it then it is acceptable but no one else can do it - i am so sick of DICKy V any games he is broadcasting he throws in some bullshit about duke this and that - the reason they are soo hated is becasue they expose themselves in the media so much
about the game - the fans rushed the court and got off the court and coach k made a scene with his palyers leaving early - isn't there a technical for leaving the bench also - lastly the crowd went nuts - went onto the court - went off the court without any incident to the team but then Coack K after saying the F work about 100 times like that fat guy coaching NOtre SHame decided to make a scene to get his players off the court - what happend to the 5 walkons that were left on the court to finish the game absolutely nothing - way to make a scene Coach K - and way to suck his asss DICKy V
about the game - the fans rushed the court and got off the court and coach k made a scene with his palyers leaving early - isn't there a technical for leaving the bench also - lastly the crowd went nuts - went onto the court - went off the court without any incident to the team but then Coack K after saying the F work about 100 times like that fat guy coaching NOtre SHame decided to make a scene to get his players off the court - what happend to the 5 walkons that were left on the court to finish the game absolutely nothing - way to make a scene Coach K - and way to suck his asss DICKy V