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Pitt 13, West Virginia 9 (final)

Excellent. It is all coming together as I have foreseen it.

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AnnArborBuckeye;1013927; said:
Wow! It's a good night to stay in and watch football (snow and ice falling outside).

Just confirmed. Pat White is out for the rest of the game. Dislocated thumb.

Non-throwing hand, NC game birth on the line, you tape that shit up and get back in there! (well, unless you can't hang onto the ball) :wink2:
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MuckFich06;1013930; said:
Non-throwing hand, NC game birth on the line, you tape that shit up and get back in there! (well, unless you can't hang onto the ball) :wink2:

Maybe. I dislocated a thumb a month ago and I can tell you that it's an extremely painful injury and you lose most of your grip in the hand. I still have diminshed capacity with the hand.

I'd of thought the same as you if I hadn't recently suffered the exact same injury. Thumbs are different than fingers. They effect the ability to use the hand much more.

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