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Pick the BCS Bowl Results (deadline is Sep. 2, 2010)


Loves Buckeye History
Staff member
'16 & '17 Upset Contest Winner
Name the winner and loser in each of the 2011 (end of the 2010 season) BCS Bowl games.

5 points - for each of your 10 teams that make a BCS Bowl Game
2 points - for each team that you picked the correct BCS Game for
2 points - for each team that you correctly picked to be in the BCS Title Game (in addition to the 2 points just mentioned)
2 points - for each of your 5 winning teams that wins aBCS Game
2 points - for picking the winner of the BCS Title Game (in addition to the 2 points just mentioned)

So correctly picking the BCS Champion will result in points for each of the above reasons (13 total)

This BP.thread explains the selection procedures, and the slotting sequence.

The contest will be open until September 2nd at 6 pm Eastern.

The poster who scores the most points will receive $500,000 vCash after the bowls in January. This will be split if there's a tie.

Please format your picks like this (these are NOT my picks :wink2:):

Rose: Minnesota over Wash St
Fiesta: Baylor over Idaho
Sugar: Vanderbilt over Indiana
Orange: Duke over Syracuse
BCS Title: Arizona over Army
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These are my picks:

Rose: TCU over Oregon State
Fiesta: Nebraska over Pitt
Sugar: Alabama over Wisconsin
Orange: Oklahoma over Miami
BCS Title: Ohio State over Florida
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It's real tough this year, I don't see an SEC team good enough to run the table, or even finish with 1 loss. The Pac 10 is just about impossible to call

Rose: Oregon State over TCU
Fiesta: Oklahoma over Pittsburgh
Sugar: Georgia over Wisconsin
Orange: Virginia Tech over Notre Dame
BCS Title: Ohio State over Nebraska
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southcampus;1752242; said:
You won't see a B10 team in the Rose this year if another B10 team is in the title, IIRC

It's possible if no non-AQ team finishes in the top-12, or if the Big Ten is facing somebody like Boise St or TCU in the Title Game. In those scenarios the Rose Bowl isn't stuck with a non-AQ conference team as the replacement pick.

But that means that his picks show TCU getting selected as a #13 or #14 At Large choice. Those picks are also missing a Big East Champion.

But folks can list whatever they want in order to try to maximize points, the picks don't have to follow the selection procedures.
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