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PG Aaron Craft (B1G 6th MOY '11, Def POY '12, Acad AA, Dolomiti En. TR - Italy)

Oiler60;2068129; said:

He had over 11000 yards total offensive in his 3 years at QB. He was also All-Ohio Defensive back in his Sophmore year. After that no one threw the ball in his area (his Junior year his team recorded state record 10 shutouts).
As someone with only 8 posts here, I'll let you in on a little secret: everyone here already knows that, it's a big running joke since it was mentioned by commentators in almost every single game last year and at least half of them this year.
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LitlBuck;2068144; said:
Do you know that he was valedictorian of his class:biggrin2:

I did not know that.
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bkochmc;2068133; said:
As someone with only 8 posts here, I'll let you in on a little secret: everyone here already knows that, it's a big running joke since it was mentioned by commentators in almost every single game last year and at least half of them this year.

Ah, I'm a little slow.... :oh:

Did you know he can solve a rubix cube in less than a minute?

Did you know he can be compared to Tim Tebow?

Am I doing better?
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Best thing I heard all night was Greg Paulus challenging Aaron to be a Rhodes Scholar before he leaves here since they have an ongoing battle as to whom is the better student. We already know who the better player is.

Outstanding young man. I wish there were more like him.
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