Watched first half of Maryland game....turned off the box. tOSU was down from the jump (which they lost). Team looked disjointed, no O or D, except some great feeds to a Buckeye or two under the basket. The O started their offense, and after about 10 seconds, were 10 feet behind the arc, instead of working towards the basket. And Diebs had zero answers. Try harder isn't exactly an exceptional instruction. Maryland emulates the old 'twin towers', except they got three 7'ers, not two. Etzler still in there, banging away, but was getting pushed around. Didn't watch the second half, as had hit the sheets, but from a random post, saw they lost by am guessing nothing was solved, except to get some bench guys some minutes. Hope Bradshaw gets his sh** cleaned up, and rejoins, else could be a long year. I do see some individual greatness, but don't see (right now at least) the melding into a cogent team. Maryland put the clamps on Thorton, with a guy always close. Rest of the B10 will be watching that game, on how do do it, I suspect. Anyone else see the game the same way? Go Bucks!