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PF EJ Liddell (All B1G, All-American, Phoenix Suns)

NBPA: Who stood out during the opening day of camp?

E.J. Liddell, PF, 2019

A slightly undersized power forward, Liddell proved once again that it doesn’t matter, he is just a monster producer. Liddell hit a few deep jumpers, scored in the mid-range, controlled the glass, and finished down low with athleticism. While his physical measurables might not be the best, on day one there were very few kids more productive in the class than Liddell who rebounded and scored at a high level. He proved in yet another atmosphere that his effort and toughness play up no matter what the situation and what the setting.

Recruiting: Ohio State, Illinois, Missouri, St. Louis, Kansas State, Louisville
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when a nugget tries to sound like a nugget but isn't actually a nugget...

Kansas City Star: This week in Mizzou recruiting: Josh Christopher, Caleb Love, E.J. Liddell and more

Speaking of Liddell ...

A little birdie told me this weekend that Ohio State pledge Alonzo Gaffney could play a role in whether or not E.J. Liddell heads to Columbus. Liddell is at the NBAPA camp in Virginia this week, and I'm told he has looked great.

He recently took a visit there, but Gaffney is a recruit that is a borderline five-star prospect. Some think he ultimately will be when it’s all said and done. And he’s an in-state guy too, so Ohio State head coach Chris Holtmann has to cater to him.

I’m not pushing Liddell either direction on Interstate-70, I’m just passing on what I heard.

Side note, Gaffney plays for Garfield Heights High School in Cleveland, the same high school as former Missouri players Willie Jackson and Frankie Hughes.
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Yes, that smacks of the reporter making a wishful thinking argument to try and sway the kid to Mizzou. The reality is positionless basketball is upon us, and there is no reason to think that - for a coach who is on the cutting edge of basketball strategy - two versatile forwards can't be in the same class and both have prominent roles. Chris has embraced the positionless concept with his recruiting, as thus far he has minimized recruiting stereotypical position players / 1-skill specialists, and I'm sure ideally he wants to run an offense where all the players can score inside and out. I have no doubt in a free-flowing system that Gaffney and Liddell can both flourish and play well together.

At any rate, every good team in college has good players that you have to share the ball with. If he wants a team that he will be the only good player on, I'm sure UMKC will take him.
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liddell finishes the nbpa top 100 camp averaging 14.3 points (52% overall, 42% behind the arc, 77% from the line) and 4.4 rebounds through seven games. with the championship game yet to go, which he won't play in, he's the fourth-highest scorer among all players (excluding the top scorer since he played only one game). liddell might have been the most consistent scorer. in only one game did he have fewer than 14 points.
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It is under VIP but I believe the buckeyes picked up a CB here.
I would not put too much stock in that CB because you know Buckeye homer:wink: Missouri and Illinois are also in on him big time with Kansas State and possibly Kansas showing some interest.

Would love to get this recruit since he seems to be a Holtmann type of recruit… Tough. Undersized PF but a real baller.
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I would not put too much stock in that CB because you know Buckeye homer:wink: Missouri and Illinois are also in on him big time with Kansas State and possibly Kansas showing some interest.

Would love to get this recruit since he seems to be a Holtmann type of recruit… Tough. Undersized PF but a real baller.

Yea I know, but my feelings on it are that he is probably Holtmann's target numero uno with Gaffney in the fold and I just feel like it's going to take a blue blood offer to hamper his chances
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