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PF EJ Liddell (All B1G, All-American, Phoenix Suns)

There has been no official announcement date given. Some people saw a remark that EJ made on McKinney's commitment IG and insinuated that the decision would be happening Monday, but that has not been confirmed. An announcement plan that EJ privately told the different program coaches might not be what he is sticking to, but if it is, then we should hear something Monday.

EJ had at one point said he was going to reveal his announcement plans today but then deleted that.

Family issues are making it a hectic week for him. The sooner he announces the better it is for us; there are a lot of people in his camp that would prefer him closer to home, so if the decision gets delayed much then things could sway away from OSU. But right now OSU is in a prime spot.
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yep, things looking great for liddell. would be a great class. could maybe have used a center, but I have no issues playing 2 strong athletic power forwards at the same time instead of a true center.

Any center we could have gotten would have been a fringe T100 big who would likely be playing behind Kaleb, Potter, and even Ledee (who I really think of as our tertiary post option). To me gunning for a center in 2020 makes the most sense with Potter gone, Kaleb a senior, and Loveday in-state.
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Any center we could have gotten would have been a fringe T100 big who would likely be playing behind Kaleb, Potter, and even Ledee (who I really think of as our tertiary post option). To me gunning for a center in 2020 makes the most sense with Potter gone, Kaleb a senior, and Loveday in-state.

I don't beleive for a second that ledee was recruited here to play center. He is a 4/3. I think he will end up playing some 5 if we go small and up tempo.

you may be right in what we could get at the center position in this class. I'm merely stating what I think it was a position we should have been targeting. I think liddell would play more center than ledee.
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I don't beleive for a second that ledee was recruited here to play center. He is a 4/3. I think he will end up playing some 5 if we go small and up tempo.

you may be right in what we could get at the center position in this class. I'm merely stating what I think it was a position we should have been targeting. I think liddell would play more center than ledee.

I think the staff only wanted a center if they thought it was a guy who could really come in and help right away (thus the offers to guys like Bacot and Stewart and TJD and Payne and Timme), not some guy who might be just good enough to get disgruntled when they weren't playing many minutes at all behind Kaleb and Potter and still behind Kaleb if Kaleb is here for his senior season (like guys we started to pursue like Jared Jones, who we faded off of and he just committed to Nwestern), while also being extra glut to somewhat discourage 2020 center options like Loveday.

I don't think Ledee was recruited here to play center, no, but as a strong 6'8-6'9 guy with a reputation for rebounding, I do think he will be the guy we put in the post if foul trouble or injury is limiting minutes from Kaleb and Potter. They've had him working out with the bigs and Holtmann says he needs to work on his "flexibility," so definitely doesn't sound like he will be playing the 3 here any time soon. I think Liddell has better odds at that because his outside shot seems to be coming along.

I'll have more to say if Liddell commits. Don't want to get ahead of myself.
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I think Carton might be trolling but I will say that, yeah, it's not a done deal for OSU just yet (and I guess you could argue wouldn't be until a NLOI gets signed, heh).

Keep an eye on the Crystal Balls. Supposedly the staffs will get informed sometime before the announcement (rumors that that might have already happened have been debunked).
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