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Penn State Cult (Joe Knew)

NFBuck;2267114; said:
Somebody spilled coffee on him. They were in the restroom under one of those hot air dryer thingies.

Cardboard Joe was getting blown in the bathroom of the stadium? Why haven't we heard about this.

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NFBuck;2266606; said:
- and will be able to play in a bowl next year
- and isn't known as "Pedo U"
- and isn't surrounded by a sick, evil, cult
- and wasn't run by a gaggle of felons
- and isn't the butt of endless shower jokes
- and will be able to recruit above a 2 and 3 star level
- and doesn't have to worry about our coach bailing as soon as the NFL makes an offer
- and doesn't wrap our self-worth around a record that is no longer even valid
- and doesn't have prominent alumni traveling around with a cardboard cutout of a dead coach
- and doesn't have "Pedo Bear" as a de facto mascot


I'd very much like to be a one-man evil cult. Would that be okay with everyone? I never get to do anything like that.
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HINYG8;2266894; said:
Because...you know...THE RAIL!
Oh yeah! The rail :slappy: the turning point of their program.


Bunch of fucking losers.
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Much has been written, and will be written, about the tremendous job Coach Billibub O'Buildabear did in guiding Penn State's football team, the university and all of Nittany Nation this season and it will all be well deserved. Similarly, Michael Mauti, Michael Zordich, Matt McGloin and others will be lauded as the embodiment of leadership and excellence and, like the accolades given to O'Buildabear, it will be well deserved. However, there is another person to whom we owe a bit of gratitude for the great season that was 2012 and that is the late Joe Paterno.
That is Joe Paterno's legacy and it lives on today. For their role in healing a community, the 2012 Senior Class may be Paterno's finest recruiting class and, as such, is the greatest gift he ever gave to the university he loved so much.

Good. Lord.

Also, what'd they do that was so special compared to say, the USC Senior class or the OSU Senior class (besides lose 4 more games! Bazinga!) or any other Senior class at a program facing a bowl ban?
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What a fucking joke these people are. Don't they realize the "what could have been" if the cult didn't protect a child rapist, and the university turned Sandusky over to police in 1998?

Maybe you're not celebrating an absolutely mediocre season and the absolute disgracing of your beloved football program and university, you fucking idiots.
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Imagine being able to tell your grandkids that you were there when they unveiled the 2012 sign at the stadium, commemorating an 8-4 season while defiantly defending the dead coach's cover up of pedophile sex crimes.
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That is Joe Paterno's legacy and it lives on today. For their role in healing a community, the 2012 Senior Class may be Paterno's finest recruiting class and, as such, is the greatest gift he ever gave to the university he loved so much.

Holy fucking shit. For a group of sub-humans that screams that they're not really a cult based on football, it takes the football team playing football games to actually "heal" the community...
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colobuck79;2267195; said:
Imagine being able to tell your grandkids that you were there when they unveiled the 2012 sign at the stadium, commemorating an 8-4 season while defiantly defending the dead coach's cover up of pedophile sex crimes.
You hear about the Ohio State fans applauding Cheaty McSweatervest? What the fuck is wrong with those people?
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Abenaki;2267186; said:
Good. Lord.

I'd say an 8-4 season is the perfect tribute to Joe Paterno's Big Ten legacy.

Jaxbuck;2267160; said:
So, since the 1986 National Championship the top memories have been a #2 national ranking, 2 B1G co championships and the year they finally got busted for covering up child rape.

Don't forget about the 6 legendary pre-WW2 seasons that are totally relevant to modern football, and who could forget the "Michigan and Notre Dame are better than us" 1947 season, the "Ohio State is better than us" 1968 season, the "Texas is better than us" 1969 season, and the "pretty much everyone with a pulse is better than us" 1973 season.

Seriously, look at the years that they decided to immortalize on their stadium. It's no wonder the cult has such an inferiority complex.

Edit: and for the record, didn't Penn State basically cheat their way into an undefeated season against Nebraska in '82 and again against Bama in '86?

What a proud and prestigious history of irrelevance and cheating the cult has to cling to. :lol:
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