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Penn State Cult (Joe Knew)


Reenactment of many old threads. But I do love that they try to beat down the old source of logical thought in that forum, by Michnittlion.

It doesn't belong, IMO, on Penn State University land any longer.
Neither do you.
Fvck you.
Fvck you.
("Art" actually posted that twice, in response to Michnittlion. Two different posts.)

One guy responds to one of Art's posts:
I typed a long reply obliterating this troll's assertions, but you said it better with just 2 words!
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Ha - I was just about to go back to work when I found this guy:


Link right to the yahoo article: https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment...-a7ac8fc19e31/eric-dickerson-says-saquon.html

So Eric Dickerson's record of 1,808 yards as a rookie is going to be broken this year, according to probably nobody except Penn State fans. It's basically in the bag, according to them, and Eric Dickerson is an idiot for feeling safe. Basically, he doesn't think the Giants have an offensive line that is good enough.

I swear, why do some people even open up their mouths? Do they WANT to look dumb in public?
Eric Dickerson is a dope. Another month goes by and he's still talking on Saquon. GTHOH.
he's rooting for Gurley because he's a "good guy" but SB isn't. Whatever there Dick-erson
Barkley's game isn't about stats anyway. "Lack of stats" kept him from even being invited to the Heisman Trophy ceremony, which was a joke. If Barkley's impact on the game in the NFL is close to what it was in college, the Giants will be very happy with their draft pick, even if he doesn't break Dickerson's rushing record. I don't think anyone cares about that record besides Dickerson.
Dickerson is a idiot!!!!! Who cares what he says
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Ha - First guy is either gloating or surprised that JT Barrett didn't get drafted. The rest of the cult actually seems sensible in that no one really expected Barrett to be an NFL quarterback.

PennStateDipshit said:
...but I got tired hearing his name mentioned constantly whenever OSU was televised.

Uhhhhh. He was the QB...

In OSU’s offense...

It was him for 100% of pass plays and like 65% of run plays. Whose name did you think you were going to hear more?
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Joe Paterno


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Here is a link to an outstanding thread in which the Cult's delusion and overinflated sense of importance runs amok. The original poster links to an article listing the 10 most hated college football programs in 2018. PSU comes in at number eight, and the Cult rationalizes that the reason they are on the list is because PSU is back and people hate winners (apparently, people don't hate the rape of children). The thread then, naturally, devolves into the Cult telling themselves that being a moral and honest program got them nothing over the years, other than screwed out of national championships they rightfully earned.


The map of the 1994 AP vote is then posted, and posters talk about PSU getting screwed out of the national title that year. Cult member Option Bob got to the bottom of the major problem with the AP that year. That no good son of a bitch Beano Cook was one of the Pennsylvania voters and he hated Joesus. Beano Cook, apparently, single-handedly cost the Pedsters the national title that year with his vote.

Option Bob: "One major problem then was that Beano Cook was 1 of those 2 western PA voters. Many of us were aware of his disdain for Joe and Penn State, something he tried to hide with fake praise and lofty predictions."

Yes, even when Beano Cook praised Joesus, the Cult could see through the lies. But the same fans could not detect Joesus running a scam on them with his cleanest guy in college sports bullshit for 50 years.
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