Honestly, I have no idea how this is going to play out.
- I could see it being a close game either way if the Bucks come to play in the trenches and execute better than a month ago.
- I could see us getting our asses kicked.
- I could see us going bombs away on a somewhat questionable secondary that the Dawgs have, much like what Bama did in the SEC title last season and showing that Bennett is capable yet unspectacular QB.
At this point, I think I would be content seeing play calling and execution improvement(s) from our coaching staff and the players themselves. Would it suck hearing 'SEC' all over again? Yes. But I'm willing to live with a well fought contest.
As a gambler, I cannot emotionally remove myself from this game enough to wager it. Therefore I'm not putting anything more than what little emotional investment I can summon. Good luck to anyone else who might though.
However, SHOULD we win the day and we become the souls lucky enough in over a 130 years of tOSU football to see something that has never occurred - playing scUM for a National Championship; Then the entire State of Ohio, and Buckeyes the world over, will come alive in a way that will even top 2006. Something I didn't believe even possible after seeing it first hand.
edit: Happy and healthy New Year to you all! Go Bucks!