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PC or Mac

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PC but I want to get a Powerbook G4 or a Macbook Pro sometime in the near future. I have no time to play games or do anything that would require a PC over a Mac at this point, plus I would like a laptop as I'd be travelling a lot more. Those Apple notebooks just seem to be chock full of sweet features, and if I get a macbook pro, I could switch to Vista if it really is the real deal.

EDIT: Huh, apparently on the day they're supposed to ship, Apple replaced the 1.67 GHz macbook pro's with 1.87 GHz. I guess everyone that pre-ordered the slower model got an upgrade?
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compatibility is the killer... now that I'm moving past my gaming stage (at least on a computer) it may become possible in the future (plus the aesthetics of designing on a mac are more enjoyable... kind of like designing in a nice studio vs. an average desk in an apartment).

for now tho, definitely sticking with a PC. I can't afford the proprietary software.
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I grew up on Macs, but jumped to PC's in college because nobody had Macs anymore. Luckily I missed out on everything before Windows 98. A CIS major couldn't really do much with a Mac. My parents always used Macs until I brought my first PC home for Christmas one year. Shortly after my dad bought a PC. I'm now to the point where I'll probably just build my computers rather than buy them premade.
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My ex bought a mac less than a year ago and it's giving her all sorts of fits. A true POS in my opinion...freezing up, shutting down random stuff, locking here and there. She's obessed with it though and insists that it was a genius buy. I, myself could never get used to Macs and there is probably a reason why they've held a smaller marketshare in the comp department every year for what now...a decade? I hate Macs. :)

NOW...if I was a photoshop junkie like my sis, a Mac would be more feasible.
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PC. Gotta have something serviceable.


I'm now to the point where I'll probably just build my computers rather than buy them premade.

Another excellent point

I'm guessing compatibility issues will decrease somewhat with the upcoming change over to intel chips.

True, but then ya might as well buy a pc, and install Mac OS :biggrin: Alot of the diehard mac people I know are very pissed about them going to Intel stuff.

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