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osuguy0301;607823; said:
It is kinda funny they have this anamosity toward tOSU but yet you go down there and all the bars have specials and stuff for the Buckeye game. All the while they have a home game at their stadium that nobody goes to because they are at the bar watching the Buckeyes!! My sister went to Ohio Univ. and she said they would be watching the Buckeyes game, show up about 2 minutes before halftime, watch the band, and then go back and watch the end of the Buckeyes game. :slappy:

Oh god, mention that to the diehard Bobcat fans that hate Ohio State and they go ballistic. Actually suggesting to bomb BW3s in Athens due to all the Buckeye fans in there on Saturday afternoons.

It is sad really. And I was one of those Bobcat fans that would go for halftime because really the 110 is worth it. When I was there we won a total of 4 games over the 4 year span I was there. Really I was just waking up by the time kickoff rolled around from drinking Friday night and watching them play football would just make my hangover worse.

But Scooter is right things have changed since Frank came in, giving some hope that we can be competitive in the shoe for our 2008 meeting.
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Well, it has to be hard for them. Ohio State is such a bigger university, has so much international standing, and is just so far ahead in athletics achievement and tradition.

It actually doesn't worry me at all that they live in this little world of theirs. they know, as well as we, that it is purely a fantasy that Ohio is anything comparable to Ohio State.

So, good luck to them and let's hope they have a lot of success in the MAC this year.
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I went to neither schools but enjoy watching both compete. Unfortunately for Ohio (American Western U.), they suck in comparison to OSU (Ohio A&M).

Whatever the name, the school headquartered in Columbus is far superior in most categories as a place of higher learning as well as athletics than the one located in Athens.

Perhaps when they were mandated by Northwest Ordinance of 1787 to find a place for a school they shouldn't have chose an area between Marrietta and Chillicothe?

They might have benefited not setting up shop around a bunch of people who have been known to say "Squeel like a pig!"
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Their band played the Browns opener. They (the band and the team) were terrible. It was a bunch of WASPY kids trying to dance instead of playing their instruments. They did neither well. A piped in "Hang on Sloopy" got a much greater reaction.
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Point of fact. They are not The Ohio University. They are Ohio University. With 16,000 students, they are a good size university and they have some faculty that are pretty good. It's not Ohio State, but it's a good university. I hope they will concentrate on that and not on comparing themselves to us.

Can I add that we find a lot of really good Buckeyes in Southern Ohio, so let's avoid statements here that might make recruits think that we think Southern Ohio is middle Tennessee or West Virginia!
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Piney;607833; said:
Oh god, mention that to the diehard Bobcat fans that hate Ohio State and they go ballistic. Actually suggesting to bomb BW3s in Athens due to all the Buckeye fans in there on Saturday afternoons.

It is sad really. And I was one of those Bobcat fans that would go for halftime because really the 110 is worth it. When I was there we won a total of 4 games over the 4 year span I was there. Really I was just waking up by the time kickoff rolled around from drinking Friday night and watching them play football would just make my hangover worse.

But Scooter is right things have changed since Frank came in, giving some hope that we can be competitive in the shoe for our 2008 meeting.

I was lucky, OU won 25 times in my 4 years (Grobe years).
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OnionBag;607891; said:
I was lucky, OU won 25 times in my 4 years (Grobe years).

I got 11 in 4 years...thanks Knorr.

I follow and root for OU football, and they could be good and have a good crowd and following if there was actually a commitment too it. The crowd was rocking for the Pitt game last year. Obviously I dont feel they need to compete with the Bucks or slander the Bucks to feel better about the program. I truely hope this is a turning point for the program to be competitive. I was happy because I think they had more offensive production last week against NIU than they did in the 4 years I went there combined.
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osuguy0301;607823; said:
It is kinda funny they have this anamosity toward tOSU but yet you go down there and all the bars have specials and stuff for the Buckeye game. All the while they have a home game at their stadium that nobody goes to because they are at the bar watching the Buckeyes!! My sister went to Ohio Univ. and she said they would be watching the Buckeyes game, show up about 2 minutes before halftime, watch the band, and then go back and watch the end of the Buckeyes game. :slappy:

I went to several OU games while my daughter was a student there. Neat little stadium, nice setting, kids brought in gracery bags filled with brewskis and nobody bothered them as long as they behaved, the band was great and nobody was there. It's not like it's empty-out-on-the-weekend school like Kent State or a huge commuter school like UC... you have to WANT to get to Athens and you have to want to get out of Athens... but the kids just never went to the games. I thought it sucked.
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