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OT Mike Adams (Official Thread)

Tremendous drive, excellent base (short choppy steps off of the line), great athleticism and speed for a big man. Pass pro suffers a bit (lack of kick step), but he'll get that worked out as soon as he gets to camp and gets some solid D1 collegiate coaching. Just dominating. Someone earlier in this thread I believe compared him to O. Pace, and I hadn't seen him play much before this video. I have to agree he's cut from the same cloth. I am truly impressed with his run blocking skills and agility.
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crazybuckfan40;1067963; said:
I think Big Mike will sit a year behind Boone and then take over the reigns...

I think that Skinner or Browning have the inside track on the open right tackle spot...

Agreed. I prefer the BCrew consist entirely in the 2Deep. BigMike behind Boone, JB behind Skin/Brown and the Brew behind Cordle and anybody/everybody else. Everybody plays and everybody's fresh.
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Do you guys think there is any possibility of Big Mike replacing Kirk Barton? He is a freakish player talent wise, and could be the best option regardless of position.

PS: can you imagine Boone and Adams playing at the same time... now that is some unreal size. D-linemen would be intimidated before even stepping foot on the feild.
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Regardless there will be NO Redshirting. The guy is just too good and knowing the way these guys get opportunities to go Pro, I'd use him in every game if possible that way when Boone is gone we've got another collegiate experienced LT to come in and crush right away. I would guess that none of the Block O guys will redshirt if they come in and work hard off the bat like their reputations say they will. Brewster and Shugarts coming in early will most assuredly mean they will make the 2 deep, barring injury. Adams is ready now. Jenkins is the wild card but should he make the Buck choice I can see him lined up right between Brewster and Adams on the second team. I also see Connor Smith as the right guard between Shugarts and Brewster.

Whew! What a line!
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scout or rivals did 2017 NFL All-pro team... Adams is there.

Rivals.com College Football - Rivals.com 2017 All-Pro predictions

In homage to Sports Illustrated - which came up with this cool idea in the late 1980s or early 1990s - we are offering up our prediction on what the 2017 NFL All-Pro team might look like.
Our experts gazed into their crystal balls - trust us, they were a bit hazy - and tried to come up with an All-Pro team for 10 years from now.
While we fully expect standout players like Adrian Peterson to be All-Pros and make several Pro Bowl appearances, not many running backs are the best in the league after 10 seasons. Keeping things like that in mind, here are our picks:
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Local star good luck for Bucks

Dublin tackle brings five-star game to OSU

Kyle Clapham

Wandering through the fitness center at Dublin Coffman High School, it is common to encounter burly athletes who spend hours creating muscle mass and sculpting their bodies to garner an advantage on the field.

Then Mike Adams appears from around a corner and gives a whole new meaning to the word burly.

"I wasn't always big," said the 17-year-old Adams, who is listed at 6-feet 7-inches and 308 pounds, according to rivals.com. "I think in middle school was when I really got a lot bigger than the other kids."

Adams, a unanimous five-star prospect and one of the nation's best high school offensive tackles, verbally committed to Ohio State on March 10. He resides at the forefront of a promising 2008 freshman class for the Buckeyes, which includes two other five-star recruits and 10 four-star recruits, according to rivals.com.

"(OSU) was the place I felt most comfortable," Adams said. "When I was making my decision it wasn't about where the school was or anything like that, it was just about my best fit."

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Detroit Free Press


OUR NO. 1 PLAYER: Look out U-M -- Ohio State-bound Mike Adams is 308 pounds, but super quick

February 1, 2008
DUBLIN, Ohio -- Last weekend, Mike Adams was getting ready to leave his grandfather Earl's house in Farrell, Pa.
The visit had been just like the many visits the two had shared since Mike had moved three hours away to suburban Columbus, Ohio, years ago.

But Mike, who is 6-foot-7 and 308 pounds, had a surprise for his grandfather as he was leaving.He handed the jersey he wore at the U.S. Army All-American Bowl to his grandfather. When Earl recalled the moment, he got emotional.
"I almost lost it right there," Earl Adams said of this year's Best of the Midwest top player. "I was so overwhelmed that he would give something like that.
"To give that away shows what type of person he his."
The accolades have rolled in for Mike Adams, 17, the Dublin Coffman offensive tackle. To go along with his appearance at the all-star game for high school seniors, he is rated the No. 3 prospect in the nation by rivals.com and No. 11 by scout.com.
His agility and quick feet are extraordinary for a man his size.
He got numerous offers from colleges but will sign with nearby Ohio State on Wednesday.

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