an imbecility, a stupidity without name least compared to Oklahoma:
ESPN's conspiracy to screw zero-U
Props to BN27 for this
Sooner Recruit
Posts: 7
(12/2/04 1:29:46 pm)
Reply Re: Herbstreet Calls USC/UCLA The "End Of The Heisman
wah wah....somebody said something that wasnt 100% in favor of oklahoma. that guy is stupid and i am mad now
ESPN's conspiracy to screw zero-U
Props to BN27 for this
Sooner Recruit
Posts: 7
(12/2/04 1:29:46 pm)
Reply Re: Herbstreet Calls USC/UCLA The "End Of The Heisman
wah wah....somebody said something that wasnt 100% in favor of oklahoma. that guy is stupid and i am mad now