BPCFFB League #2 League Champion 2008 & 2010
I was lucky enough to have been able to sit down and have a 20 minute conversation with him. He stayed at the Chapparal Suites in Scottsdale during the Fiesta Bowl NC game, and was waiting for his family on a bench. I sat down with him to chat for a little while. The one story he told me that has always stuck with me, is how he once fired a kid with too much talent. He told the kid he was doing him a favor by firing him, because he was capable of doing bigger things. We didn't talk too much football, but I had told him how I lived in Scottsdale and I was there picking up my family. He told me how it was getting difficult for him to travel because of bad knees, but this is what he loved. He saw I was a young sharp guy and sent me along with the advice to aim high and enjoy life.... he seemed to have followed his own advise.